De-Armouring 101: The Beginners Guide

person de-armouring woman on floor
Written by Beducated Magazine

What is De-Armouring?

Imagine a medieval knight stepping out of their heavy, burdensome armor after a long battle. They’d feel light, liberated, and more in touch with their surroundings. Similarly, in our lives’ spiritual and emotional landscape, “de-armouring” is a term primarily associated with the domains of bodywork and tantra.

But what’s it all about? Think of it as shedding our body’s accumulated emotional “armor”—the layers of tension, trauma, and blockages. This mystical-sounding process has roots grounded in ancient practices and a history as rich as the very essence of human connection.

What is Body Armor?

person with tension in body

Have you ever felt a weight on you, something deeper than just daily stress? That’s what experts in tantra refer to as “body armor”. It’s not something that manifests in your physical body but, but rather in your emotions and life force energy. In fact, it emerges from traumatic experiences, persistent negative thoughts, and recurring patterns. These can manifest as ongoing tension in the nervous system or pain that doesn’t seem to go away.

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Furthermore, this “armor” can interfere with intimacy, causing blockages in our sexual energy well-being.

The History of De-Armouring

Historically, our ancestors realized the intimate connection between the mind and body. Tensions from emotional traumas, no matter how minute or colossal, find refuge in our muscles, tissues, and even in the very fibers of our being. Consequently, over time, these evolve into a protective shell or “armor.”

According to resources like Tantric Bodywork, the ancient practitioners of tantra and various indigenous communities actively used methods to release these tensions through the body’s natural energy pathways. Moreover, from the tranquil backwaters of India to the dense forests of South America, there’s evidence of rituals and practices dedicated to life force energy release and the restoration of emotional balance.

Modern Relevance

In today’s world, where stress is the unsolicited guest that never leaves, the art of eliminating body armour has found renewed interest, especially among millennials seeking authentic connections or to sooth the nervous system. With an overload of emotional and environmental stressors, the many of us find ourselves battling not just societal pressures, but also those silent adversaries that manifest as physical discomforts and emotional numbness in our deep pressure points.

So, if you’ve ever felt “stuck” in your relationship, or encountered a mysterious ache that just doesn’t add up, perhaps it’s time to dive deep and explore this age-old solution. After all, history has a way of repeating itself, and what worked for our ancestors could very well be the magic touch for us.

What is De-Armouring For?

It isn’t just for those deeply embedded in spiritual practices. It’s a technique that can benefit many. Here’s a breakdown of who might find it useful:

  • Releasing Physical Tension: If your body constantly feels stressed or stiff, it’s oftern as a resault of emotional tension stores in deep pressure points. The practice can help alleviate that tension from the body’s natural energy pathways, especially when linked to emotional or psychological stress.
  • Survivors of Trauma: Traumatic events, whether physical, emotional, or sexual, can leave lasting marks on our body, psyche, and sexual energy. With proper guidance, it can help address and release these imprints.
  • Emotional Release: If you’re struggling with past experiences or societal expectations, de-armouring frees those pent-up emotions.
  • Exploring Spiritual Practices: Those on a personal growth journey or exploring spiritual or tantric practices can use the practice to foster a deeper connection with themselves and others.
  • Addressing Sexual Blockages: If you’re having issues related to sexual energy, sexual expression or past traumas, de-armouring can pave a path to better intimacy.
  • Better Body Awareness: To truly understand and connect with your whole body, recognizing areas of tension and learning to release them is essential. It can be a tool for this self-awareness.

In essence, de-armouring is a tool, a technique, and a pathway. Whether you’re seeking physical relief, emotional release, or a deeper connection, it offers a route to better well-being throughout your whole body.

De-Armouring Techniques

person engaging in breath work as a de-armouring practice

Bodywork and Massage

While we all appreciate a good massage for its relaxation, it’s worth noting that there’s more beneath the surface.

Bodywork and massage, such as deep tissue massage and trigger point massage, target the deeper layers of tension stored within the nervous system, helping to release it over time.


Breath, a fundamental life process, holds more power than we often give it credit for. In de-armouring, specific breathing exercises are introduced to help release suppressed emotions and tensions.

Moreover, my consciously controlling our breath, we can access and address underlying emotional blockages.

Emotional Release

By and large, emotional release is about understanding and expressing underlying trapped emotions that might have been tucked away.

Through guided practices, individuals are encouraged to let out suppressed emotions. Generally, this could be through movement, sound, or other means of genuine expression.

Tantric Practices

While tantra might carry certain connotations, its core goes beyond the sensual. Tantric practices in de-armouring focus on healing, especially in areas of sexual traumas or blockages.

Through specific meditative and tactile techniques, tantra helps in building a more affirmative connection with oneself.

Meditation & Visualization

Lastly, let’s touch upon the potential of the mind in this journey. Meditation and visualization techniques offer a focused approach to identifying and addressing areas of tension throughout your whole body.

Visualizing these areas and using meditation as a tool can guide our body toward relaxation and release.

10 Steps to De-Armouring

de-armouring massaging pressure points

Ah, the transformative journey of eliminating body armour! Like peeling layers off an onion, delving deep into this process can unveil and heal the deepest layers of yourself, throughout your whole body. But remember, this isn’t DIY territory. If you’re keen on this path, always ensure you’re guided by a seasoned de-armouring practitioner.

#1 Finding the Right Practitioner

First things first, you need someone who knows their stuff. Whether it’s a tantric healer, a trauma-release therapist, or another type of de-armouring guru, it’s essential to vet them. Pour over their credentials, check out reviews, and insist on a consultation.

#2 Initial Consultation

Think of this as your first date. You’re getting to know each other. Your practitioner will want to understand your motivations, past traumas, and session goals. They’ll also spill the beans on what to expect. Ask away – this is your time to gauge if you vibe together.

#3 Creating a Safe Space

To truly let go, you need ambiance. A session isn’t your average spa day, but expect a cozy setting with soothing music, maybe some aromatherapy, and soft lighting. It’s all about creating that “safe space” aura where your vulnerabilities can play.

#4 Starting with Relaxation

Before the real magic happens, you’ll begin with some chill-out techniques. Deep breathing, a bit of meditation, or even a gentle massage to set the stage. Why? Because you can’t unlock a door without the key. Relaxation paves the way to deeper healing.

#5 Physical Bodywork

Now, onto the main event. To this end, this is where your practitioner dives deep, employing techniques like pressure points or fascial release to dismantle that physical “armor” in the nervous system.

Imagine releasing all that tension you didn’t even know was there!

#6 Emotional Release

De-armouring isn’t just skin-deep. Sometimes, our traumas and blockages are more than physical. Techniques like breathwork or sound therapy can coax out buried emotions.

However, don’t be surprised if you find yourself laughing, crying, or both—it’s all part of the process.

#7 Feedback & Communication

Ever tried salsa dancing? It’s all about communication. Same here. Constant feedback ensures the session aligns with your comfort and needs. Consequently, this is where that initial trust with your practitioner really shines!

Make sure to check out Beducated's Tantra Online Courses

#8 Closing the Session

It’s almost wrap-up time. To bring you back to earth, the practitioner may employ grounding techniques. This ensures all the emotional and physical shifts find their rightful place in your being. You might feel light, relieved, or even a tad emotional—it’s all part of the healing dance.

#9 Post-Session Care

Finally, after such an intense experience, self-care is paramount. Hydrate like you’ve just danced at a summer festival, maybe soak in a warm bath, or pour your feelings into a journal. Lean on your gal pals or even consider chatting with a therapist.

#10 Follow-up Sessions

Think of it like a workout regime; sometimes, one session isn’t enough. Your practitioner might recommend follow-ups to delve deeper or sustain the progress. Consider these as tune-ups for your soul.

What You Should Know Beforehand

researching de-armouring experts

Safety & Professionalism

Safety first, always! Dive into the world of de-armouring, and you’ll soon see it’s no ordinary spa day. This isn’t just about relaxation; it’s a deep dive into your emotional and physical being.

With this intimate experience, trust is paramount. You want someone with expertise who understands trauma and the intricacies of emotional work. Selecting a trained and reputable practitioner takes the first step toward a transformative yet safe experience.

Individual Readiness

Got that buzz of excitement? Or is it more of a hesitant butterfly flutter? The experience can be intense, and not everyone’s ready to jump in headfirst. It’s like that super bold lipstick sitting in your drawer; sure, it looks fabulous, but you’ve got to be in the right mindset to rock it.

This process can unleash emotions you didn’t even know you were holding onto. So, before diving in, take a moment. Listen to your intuition. Ask yourself, “Am I ready for this level of release?” Remember, it’s all about what feels right for you.

Combining with Other Therapies

Let’s spill some tea. Ever layered your favorite scents to create that unique, signature perfume? Well, de-armouring can be like that too.

Pairing it with other therapies, such as psychotherapy, can be oh-so rewarding. Especially when tackling deep-seated traumas or emotional issues, a combo approach might just be the ticket. Think of the practice as that base note, foundational and grounding, with psychotherapy as the top note, offering insight and clarity. Together? A harmonious blend for healing.

Possible Contraindications

Just as you wouldn’t wear heels to a hiking trip, there are moments when de-armouring might not be the right fit. Whether it’s specific health concerns or past traumas, it’s vital to lay all your cards on the table.

Open a dialogue with your chosen practitioner. Remember that chic confessional you had with your stylist about that hair disaster? This is the same! Open up, share your concerns, and ensure you’re making the best decision for your wellbeing.

The Bottom Line

In the modern age of stress, societal pressures, and emotional numbness, de-armouring stands out as a therapeutic bridge to ancient healing practices. Rooted in historical traditions, this deeply transformative process offers individuals a chance to shed layers of emotional and physical armor from the physical body, reconnecting them with their truest selves.

Like a knight shedding their heavy armor after battle, de-armouring provides liberation from life’s burdens, recharging our emotional batteries and allowing us to truly shine from within. Whether addressing past traumas, improving intimacy, or simply attaining a better sense of self-awareness, embracing the art of de-armouring can be a life-altering journey.

So, if you’re ready to journey inward and uncover the radiant essence that lies beneath your armor, remember that every step taken in self-evolution is a step towards a brighter, more authentic you.

Watch the De-Armouring Foundations Course on Beducated

Still from the de-armouring course on Beducated

Unlock the secrets of body and mind connection in De’an Matuka’s De-Armouring Foundations. This video course will teach you to release emotional blockages to enhance your sensual experiences.

Start your FREE TRIAL and access the De-Armouring Foundations course!

Make sure to check out Beducated's Tantra Online Courses

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Beducated Magazine

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