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Shibari Online Course:
L'Art Sensuel du Bondage Japonais

Skye Stevenson
Coach en Relations et Sexualité
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About This Course

Plonge dans le Shibari, cette pratique envoûtante de l'art des cordes avec le cours de Sky Stevenson. Apprends des techniques de nouage pratiques et des jeux sensoriels pour enrichir tes connexions intimes.

What You Will Learn

  1. Apprends à pratiquer le Shibari
  2. Apprends à entretenir et attacher les cordes
  3. Identifie les points de plaisir
  4. Explore différentes techniques de noeuds

Take This Course and Hundreds More

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Taught by the world’s top experts.

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Quick results & easy-to-follow instructions.

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For everyone. Singles, couples, all genders and orientations.

Your Instructor

Skye Stevenson

Coach en Relations et Sexualité

Skye Stevenson est une Coach en Relations et Sexualité, aidant les couples à vivre une joie épanouissante au sein de leur union sexuelle. Avec son approche sexuellement positive, elle enseigne comment vivre la passion en abandonnant les peurs et en embrassant nos désirs les plus profonds.

More by This Instructor

Lessons and Classes

Total length:
90-180 min
  1. 1. Bienvenue! Commence ici
  2. 2. Qu'est-ce que le Shibari et le Kinbaku
  3. 3. Comment fonctionne le Shibari
  4. 4. Que peut-on attendre d'une expérience Shibari
  5. 5. Le Shibari est-il uniquement sexuel et fétichiste
  6. 6. Le jargon du Shibari
  7. 7. Script de ressource écrite essentiel pour un jeu de cordes en toute sécurité
  8. 8. Questions à poser lors de l'entretien avec un rigger en dehors de votre relation
  9. 9. Pourquoi devrais-je essayer le Shibari
  10. 10. La différence entre la dominance et le fait d’être autoritaire pour les tops de cordes
  11. 11. La sécurité avant tout
  12. 12. Communication saine
  13. 13. Limites, consentement et intention
  14. 14. Lésions nerveuses et sécurité
  15. 15. Comment utiliser une colonne simple de 5 façons
  16. 16. Attache à double colonne
  17. 17. Différents styles de Futomomo
  18. 18. 1 corde Takate Kote
  19. 19. Munenawa Takate Kote basique à 2 cordes
  20. 20. Comment faire une attache de cheveux
  21. 21. Échelle de jambe sur une chaise
  22. 22. Comment faire un Hog Tie
  23. 23 .Que faire quand nous n'avons pas de partenaire
  24. 24. Comment plier vos cordes après le jeu
  25. 25. Comment joindre vos cordes
  26. 26. Conditionnement des cordes
  27. 27. Contrôle du corps
  28. 28. Points de plaisir et de douleur
  29. 29. Inspiration pour le jeu sensoriel
  30. 30. Inviter des objets et des fétiches
  31. 31. La bonne façon d'ajouter de l'intimité à travers l'art du fouet
  32. 32. La bonne façon d'ajouter de l'intimité à travers l'art de la fessée

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So I'm going to show you guys a life demonstration of how shibari can look like in a nice, erotic setting. And first of all, we wanna get very clear on Bianca's boundaries and what it is she would like to experience because you wanna go in with the same kind of purpose and the same kind of goal. If our partner isn't the one being tied, known as also the bottom, isn't enjoying themself, then there's no point of even doing the experience. So a good way to try to establish boundaries and limits is okay, so do you have any boundaries that you would like to put into place? Yep, no penetration, no internal penetration. Yeah. And no slapping. So no internal penetration and no slapping. Yeah, I can do that. Is there anywhere on your body that you prefer not to be touched? No. Yeah, is there any type of touch or sensation that you dislike? Not too hard on my nipples. Okay, good to know. And in five words, can you give me a description of how you imagine or picture this experience to go? - I would like to be able to receive. Also to feel taken. Held. - Yeah. - Also feel surprised. I'm not really sure what else I wanna feel. - Okay, so what I'm hearing is that you want to feel held, you wanna be caught off guard, so surprised. To feel taken. So just so you understand, so taken means I can take for the benefit of my pleasure? - Yep. - Yeah, you'll consent to that? Perfect. And receiving, so receiving is you're receiving for the benefit of your own pleasure. - Yep. - Yeah. And so is there anything else that comes to mind or if you just take one deep breath, just see if there's one more last thing that comes up. (exhaling) No? - No. - Perfect. So is this more around about a sensual experience or? - Yes. - It's just around pleasure or some pain as well? - Both, yeah. - Both? Perfect. Cool. So it's important to be able to figure out what is your partner wanting because sometimes we just want to receive and we don't wanna feel like anyone's taking anything from us. And sometimes we wanna allow someone to take from us for their pleasure because that brings us a lot of pleasure but it's very important to establish where you are on your journey right now in order to build and deepen that trust to take that path further down on that journey and to be where you might like to be in a month's time or wherever that is. That's okay. And as a person serving your partner with the experience, it's very important that we stay within their limits and within their boundaries 'cause doing this will, if we overstep at any point in time, it won't help them to wanna come back and have more experiences or to wanna explore the ropes any further. So I always say the first time you tie someone, don't go too crazy. Try reel it in a little bit. It's better to go just a little bit, get used to them, get used to their body and how they respond 'cause everyone responds very differently. And then you can pursue further and do more the next time, invite more impact play. That's allowed. So touching base on impact play, are objects and equipment, are they welcome? - They are welcome just as long as they're not penetrated. - Perfect, thank you. (lush hip hop music) ♪ Yeah ♪ (lush hip hop music) ♪ Yeah ♪ (lush hip hop music) - In this video, I'm gonna show you guys how to utilize a single column tie in five ways. So, just open up our rope. So what we wanna do is always have two fingers here. That way, it guides us so we're not being all messy. And what we're gonna do is guide the rope over and around. Catch it from underneath. We always wanna have a two-centimeter gap in between the wrist. The reason for this is because during play, it can tighten up, and it won't be as pleasurable. On top of that, we've got three nerves within the wrist. It's a vulnerable area, and we want to prevent nerve compression and nerve injury. So to do this, then remove one of your fingers out. You want to get into the habit of being able to slide this through, nice. And hen from here, you can bring your rope out. Notice how my tensions are tight because I've brought my rope all the way out. I haven't brought it along here. From here, we wanna get our two fingers, twist the rope so it's in line with the single column tie, and use your other two fingers to pull the rope through, pulling on the working end. That's a nice single column tie with a two-centimeter gap. So I'll do that once more, and I'm gonna show you a common mistake that people do when they're first starting out. Remember that we're doing Shibari for connection and communication between a partner and a model. So what I find people do, they'll go over. I'm still not doing it. I've really perfected it, haven't I? People will get really confused, and they'll go over, and they'll just do all this. And they've roped, so they'll forget to do this, or you might throw your rope over, and then you might try bring it out. It's a really bad habit to get into. So once again, always having the two fingers on your skin to guide you. Bringing this over, in this way, I'll demonstrate this in cross ways. Doing the exact same thing, bring the rope on top, slide it in through the bottom, bring it on top, sliding this one out. Rope up, pushing it through, pulling on our biting end. From here, what I can do is to spin her around, and I can lock her in here. The reason why I've done hands crisscross is because if you're a male, male don't generally have enough flexibility to be going single like this and all the way up. So it's always safer to just do a single column tie this way because the purpose is just to restrain them behind the back, not to make really uncomfortable. Spring your rope, locking it down, strain, bringing it down under the breast. I'm gonna round once more under the rope. So the third way to utilize a single column tie is to simply bring out my partner's hands behind the back. And the correct way of doing this is to use your right hand on the outside and your left hand on the inside of the arm and just bring them into position. So I'm slowly just gonna slide my hands down and I'm gonna bring them into play. From here, I'm just going to push them in, creating a nice box shape. From here, I'm going to put my bite over and slide it into the middle. When you're learning, you can actually ask your partner if they can just bring their hands out a little bit. But during a play session, I wouldn't recommend this, okay? From here, I'm just gonna slide, so you can always use your hands, if you need more rope, more bite, you can just use your hands to slide. From here, around, pull it through the loop using the working hand. I just grabbed the hands, shuffle, right there. To lock this in, what I would do, use this hand to bring the rope around, flicking all the rope out, underneath this bottom line. (indistinct) and we're going to go under the first rope. So, bringing this under holding, flick here about, hold up, find the tension, make sure the tension is even. Bring it in. And then you go on to do an X friction. To do an X friction, going to tie that there, that comes over, grabbing this one down straight in this arm. What we want to do, we need to shuffle. Hold your body to their skin, allowing for connection and then bringing it straight into their spine. And then you can just hitch this off. Hitch it off around the stem, up here. And that one's complete. So the reason why, once again, remember we've got to have a two centimeter gap in here. That's because there are nerves within the wrist. It's a vulnerable area. And all this is utilizing is to hold the arms and wrists into place. So the fourth way we can utilize a single column tie, is that we can tie the hand to the wrist. So in order to do that, I'm going to (indistinct) tension, loop, pull it through and tugging on the bitting end. Okay. And where this can go wrong, if you don't do it tight enough, what you will notice, like I've just done then is that your partner will be able to get out of that. So we'll do that one again. Remembering if you tie from up here, it can then go down. So we wanna go a little bit lower. So in order to do that, I'm just gonna misplace the hand. So it's not as that one stays. Now, I'm going to tie one on the other hand. Remember to practice your ties. It's gonna be a lot easier to tie one particular side than the other side. So we're throwing the rope and collecting from underneath, two hands to guide, and (indistinct) using this to tighten up. Come here and tighten. So there's enough room there that we're not going to compress the nerves. Nice package. So if you were to use this in bedroom playing, you had a bedhead, or anything. You would end up (indistinct) into a control. You can tie this one up (indistinct) and your partner is restricted. So that is how you do that one. So the fifth way to utilize a single column tie is that we can use it as a color for the neck. So, going to slide this one out, just moving the hair either way as you do it. Be sure not to get it tangled in, not to go too tight on the rope, not sliding. So you've got enough room here. I'm going to hold my attention there. Hook this one through, to wrap all the ropes and I haven't got enough bite. As you get used to this, you will get used to it. Sometimes you won't get it right, and sometimes you will. And that's fine. So I've given her more than enough room, now, (indistinct) my bite through, once again, tensions always bring it away from the knot. You twist, in, pull, pull on the working end. Yep. So then you've got a column. (laughs) So later on, if you choose, depending on your purpose of the ties, you can use this one for suspension but the purpose of this course, we're just gonna keep it simple like this. And remembering also body control. So you can always tug very soft, slightly. There's a difference between dominating and domineering. So very subtle, and seeing how much control can you have over the body? Even if you're all the way back here. Okay. So that's the fifth way. (upbeat music) - In this video I'm going to show you how to do a double column tie. So I've got my partner's hands in prayer. This makes it easy. What makes this a double column is that we've got a column here, a column here and we're going to tie them together. So once again, I just throw my rope over. Just go slide it all the way through. Over. Slide it all the way through. And then I'm going to cross. Can you open your hands? Say, open your hands. I'm going to bring the rope up. Be really sure that you've still left enough room here, because this can get really restricted when using. From here I'm going to hoop this one under. And then I'm going to hoop it again and just tie it off. How's that one feel? So that's a double column tie. That's probably a little bit... Could use a little bit more of a gap if you were to end up lacing up the arms or to do stuff behind the back. Another example of a double column tie is utilizing the ankles. However, putting in together, the ankle bones it might become a little bit uncomfortable, so it's very good to just slide it so one's in front and one's behind. From here, over. Once again, remembering if you have it up too high, it would just fall off and your partner will be able to get out, so. Open your ankles, or wait you don't need to. Here. Just wrap this around. Tie. Hoop. And then we have a double column tie. This just adds a little bit more support, a lot more supportive, being able to lock it in. (upbeat soul music) - In this video I'm going to show you how to do a futomomo. So what we want to do is do a single column tie on the ankle. So in order to do that we'll just go around. Nice and secure. Remembering always a two centimeter gap. So we don't compress the nerves here. You can see how my rope comes outside here. So that means I'm going to lap around her leg this way, because, this way, you will notice that it won't work. So follow the rope, because my rope is going here. Notice how I've got a triangle. If I end up tying my partner's leg like this, and then, Kar, you can move your leg in. She moves her leg, the rope may as well be able to come completely off her leg. So ensuring that we want this one super, super tight. So pull the leg in. I use my left hand and I wrap it around. I push and I do it nice and tight. If you can't do this or you notice it's a little bit harder, you're more than welcome to use your body weight. To be able to get the wraps around, to lock the leg into place. Bringing that back down. What we're going to do is three wraps. So one, two, here's the third. Bring this around. We need to come under the rope. Grab the tension here to lock it. Lift this rope up. And then you want to come under, in this gap. And try to keep the knot in alignment here. So we're going to go under, hold, up. Grab, lock. I would generally be doing this if I was tying my partner. Under. Over. Locking that in. From here, we're going to go all the way under. So, from here, we're going to go up. We need three. So, from here, we're just gonna go up over the first one. Over, under, over the stem. Back up, over, under. When we go under, we're pulling. So we're reverse tensioning, so we're locking the rope into place. Up and then, this one, over the stem, pulling it down. Over the stem. From here, what we can do, we can just go around the stem again. See how you've got all this extra rope to burn off. So, it doesn't matter how you finish that. You can just go around the stem. Around the stem. And just burn it all off. And then I'm just going to place this, I've got these little fuzzy parts, I'm just going to place that in between the stem. And you'll notice how mine has just come undone, which never really happens. I'll just tie that under. From here, you've got a futomomo. So the common problem that we find with the futomomo is that it puts a lot of pressure on the shin here. Which is why we don't do the single column tied too tight. And quite often it'll be very tight here. So check in with your partner to see how the tensions are within the rope. And if you need to re-tension the way you do that is just to put one finger in and slide it across. And more than often, that will be enough. The futomomo is a very tight tie, so it's very common to push this very tight and you will see it pull into the skin. (soft music) ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah, you must be ♪ - In this video, I'm going to show you a particular tie that is inspired by Yagami Ren. His purpose for tying is for sex. This one is much more supportive than the one that I've just shown you. So in order to do this, we don't actually start with a single column tie. I always like to say that the bite facing the toe. So if that makes it easier for you to understand, going to throw this rope over here, and what I'm going to do is wrap this around. I'm going to pull all this rope through. And we want to situate it down here. Sorry, I'm going to pull the leg in, and as you know, if I pull the rope this way, I'm creating tension. In line. From here, I'm going to grab the rope, and we're going to go around, and I'm going to do this twice. And then I want to grab my finger down in between the rope, so the top wrap's here, your finger is going down here. I'm going to hoop it, and I'm going to create a hitch Perfect. From here, we then wanna go around, in towards the body, flip the rope back. This rope is then going to go under the stem, and then I'm going to come back this way, and that's reverse tensioning. Cool. Then we can go under, over, under. And from here, all the way under. Opening up the leg. So what we want to do is push in here, be careful not to go like here, and try real grabbing it. Very unpleasant for her. So what we want to do is poke down, loop it up, put the rope in line with the other rope, and slide it through. From here, we wanna grab this, tension it, pulling it down, opening that leg up again, coming back up, bringing it down. If your rope's like this, just bunch it up. I've left a gap here, and I'm just going to lock that in. And if you want, you can put your finger in here, and you can lock it in again. And that's this tie. It's a much more supportive as there's four ropes going across here, four ropes going across there. And it's a lot easier as well to tie than the first one that I've just shown you. And that's that. (upbeat rhythmic music) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ - So, in this particular tie. This is just a one rope simple connection tie, when you're trying to add an experience. It is not suitable for suspension. But to start it off, what we wanna do is just do a simple single knot column. Perfect. And then what we're going to do is, three straight parallel lines, bringing it in, bring it in. You need to move with body. And then to lock it off, all we want to do is go diagonally. And to lock it off here, I would be going up here and then... And that one is suitable. The reason for this tie is if you forget the other ones... And Shibari is all about communication, so if you're forgetting to communicate through rope to your partner, that it's important not to do the ties that you forget. So this is a super easy one. Obviously, you would slow it right down and you could add in elements of pleasure and pain points, where you can grab certain points down here. And you would add things in-between the rope. When you're untying as well, with a connection rope tie, it's very important to not just look at the rope. So we wanna be able to look at our partner in-between and to glide the rope through. Hold it onto this end, finding where the next rope is, gliding it through. You can use your body, you can pull on the rope. You could wrap it back around and you can bring the limb to you. So it's about taking our partner into a form of meditation, little trans-like state. And then you can join this particular tie onto many other very easy one rope ties. Around. You can then drop the rope on, and you can glide it over. And that's how you do a one rope connection tie that's not very technical. (upbeat music) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ - In this video, I'm going to show you how to tie a one-rope TK. Okay, so what we wanna do, generally we'd like to come in close, put our thumbs over the shoulder, expanding the heart and we just wanna take a few deep breathes with our partner. And then we're gonna slowly bring our arms down. This side's gonna be on the right side, this palm's gonna be facing on the inside. And what I'm going to do is going to guide my partner into place. From here, you wanna be sure that your thumbs aren't locking here. So just having them there. And you wanna push in. So I can just put it here. We need to extend. Now I'm going to throw my rope down here. I just do a single column tie. Now it's important to see, as I've tightened that, that's gotten really tight here. When we're doing a TK, what you're gonna notice is as you start wrapping more ropes around the body, it's going to tighten and it's going to compress the nerves here. These are vulnerable areas. So it's going to compress. So if your rope does not have enough of a gap, you'll have to do it again. I just wanted to give you guys that one as an example. So Carla, if you bring your arms out, so to do that one again. I'm going to bring my ropes here. Around. I'm going to allow enough room. Tension. Tension. Sliding it through the hole. And that's strong. Sometimes I like to grab the arms to shuffle this up so I don't give rope burn. It's much nicer. So remember that tying the arms like this, its purpose is to hold the arms there. It's not to restrain them, it's not to be really, really tight. So from here, you wanna go up in line with the spine. My rope has come out this side, so I'm going to have to tie this side. So Carla, I'm probably not getting you to move. So we're going to tie. Try look in alignment generally with the underarms. You don't wanna go up too high. You don't wanna go too low. We're just gonna go here on the muscle. I'm going to get my right arm and go across. This one's gonna go under the wrap. And then I'm gonna come over here. I'm sliding my hand across her body, ensuring that my ropes are actually flat, that my ropes haven't twisted. And then I'm going to come behind the stem. From here, I wanna find my tension. Ensure that they're the right. Bring this over. Rope tight, and then we've going to do an X friction. So the X friction goes under the stem, over the top, under and give it a little twist to tighten it. Over. Under. From here, you can do a 360. See there's a space here? Put your finger through the space. Bringing your rope through the space. You've just locked that off as you're doing this. To bring intimacy in, I would just bring all my body in towards hers, grab the rope at the front here, at the back and I just want to shuffle it. How's that tension? - Yeah. - Good, okay. And then this is a simple one-rope TK. (soft music) ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah, you must be ♪ - In this video, we're going to learn part two of the TK. So finishing off in the last TK, we're just going to bring the rope through. So we finish like this. What we're going to do, we want to pull out hand through the space, hold the rope directly straight up, and just push it straight, to get it right underneath the underarm, ensuring that's the right tension. Occasionally it can pinch our partner, but that's what we need to do to make it safe. And the reason for that is 'cause there are some nerves inside so if you do get nerve compression, just untie, and always keep in mind that we never want to join ropes on within this area, or underneath the underarm. So, if I end up moving Carly over, from here, I'm gonna come in nice and close to your partner, and what I want to do is just put my thumb underneath, grab the rope. 'Cause these ropes are quite tight, when we push the ropes out, it allows us to get the ropes out without pinching our partner. Holding them like this here, I'll be able to pull on the rope, bringing it right behind the stem, right behind the stem. So our rope comes behind the stem. It's going to come up in the underarm. What we want to do, bring it up again. And as you can see, is I'm running out of rope. This is the one I prepared earlier, create a lux head, and what we're going to do, put that there, and pull that over, in order to make that safe. So hooking this one down, bringing it underneath, right underneath the arms. What we want to do, if I twist, to show your right arm, what we're going to do is bring this under, do a 360 around the stem. Cool. So three fingers distance. I'm gonna come under the breast, three fingers distance, bring it right behind the stem, do the second round. Under, and then with this one, we're gonna go behind the stem. So, I'll rotate Carly over. And what we want to do is go behind the stem, we're going to go over, under the bottom wraps, up, shuffling this one up. This one's going to come over, and that's called a half moon. You can just shuffle the stem, and then you're going to do a 360, coming from down, yep, through, yes. Now we want to make sure there's always three fingers distance. I've got your radial nerve on the outside, there'll be a vulnerable spot around about here. So you want to make sure that you check your tensions, and that you check in with your partner. From here, you'll want to come around. Going to open up this, pull this down. Grab it, link it in. That way it's nice and tight. Right behind the stem. Bring it through the arm. Once again, arm over, allowing for closeness and intimacy, and over. All right, hold here to ensure my ropes don't get too tingly, and bring that back out. Then you connect them. Now from here, go. All I need to do is bring this rope under, do a 360 around the stem, and then grab your bottom wraps, and you can hitch off that. And that's nice. So that's what this one looks like. That's your two rope TK. For the purpose of this, is for floor work, and for intimacy, and for closeness. If you were looking to do suspension, I would highly recommend doing a little bit more research. I wouldn't suggest suspending off off this, just keeping this to floor work and around intimacy. If you do happen to not have your tensions too tight, and you're just doing floor work, you won't have to stress about it too much, because the most important thing is the communication between you and your partner, and the ropes. As long as you keep the connection going, and you allow for a good experience. How's the tensions? - Okay. - Good. So that's a two rope TK. (soft music) ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah, you must be ♪ - In this video, I'm going to show you how to use a rope to tie up the hair. So we wanna start off simply by finding out bite end, and what we want to do is create it into like a lux head, same way that we join our ropes up with, we want to grab our partner's hair, and what we wanna to do is put the hair through the hoop, tighten it, fold this part back, swap your hands, and then we're going to wrap it, and we're going to wrap it twice, nice and tight. Then we're= going to create a hoop, hoop that through at the bottom, and tighten it all the way. And then that's how we tie the hair. Keeping in mind when we do tie it, sometimes if we tighten one part of the hair too much, it will pull on the scalp. And it's very important when we come to body control that we don't just yank it back all the way, 'cause this will cut off the airflow. So what we wanna do is just, so that we slowly pull it back, and we could end up tying that to another body part. If we were to tie our hands up, you could tie that there as well. Or if you had a suspension pole, you could hoop that around, and you could tie that there so they couldn't go anywhere. (soft music) ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah, you must be ♪ - So in this video, I'm going to show you how to tie your legs to a chair. So we will start off with a single knot column tie. And remembering you're gonna wanna start low, 'cause if you start high, it's just gonna fall down. Okay. From here, we're going to want to go up, around the leg. Slide all the rope out, then come in under, going over, hold, hoop this one through and up. And you can, to tension it, make it tighter, you just go like that. So, we'll wrap this one around again. Under, rope goes up, move it to the left, to the right to tension it, making it nice and strong. Go around. Okay, you might just fit one more. It's much easier when you come in and grab the rope, and allow it to guide you. Over the stem, under the stem, and then, from here, you put your finger down, hoop it around, bring it through the gap, and you can hitch that off. So that's how we do a little tie. And how does that feel? Does that feel secure? - [Woman] Mm-hmm. - And then you can do both legs. So an option for this that I really would recommend is to lace one leg to the chair, and then the other one, and then you can utilize that by also doing a single column tie behind the chair, so the person is fully restrained. And remember when you are also tying that it's also very important that you're not just focusing on what you're doing, little pretty pedicure, I'm just noticing her foot. Remember we are tying a human, a human has feelings and emotions. So remember to always build up the suspense, tying, pushing on certain points in the body, bring our attention back to our partner, and creating a lovely experience for them. And that's how we do that one. - In this video, I'm going to show you how to join a TK, a two-rope TK, to the ankles, which is then called a hog tie. So transiting out of the TK, learning to maneuver the body is very important. So what we wanna do is just bring our partner into us. So one butt cheek lands onto the floor. I'm going to hold down here, push their feet out. I'm holding underneath the shoulders. I'm then guiding her down to the floor. And then I'm going to give her this for her face. Yeah? From here, I'm then going to find my rope. It's right here. And. I'm then going to do a double-column tie. Through here. Now I'm here. During a play scene, you might wanna just wrap the rope up. Tighten. You can glide it through the toes. And slowly bring it into a scene. From here, what I wanna do is bring it underneath the stem. Find a part that's nice. I'm going to bring the feet forward. Bring her knees up. From here, you can do that. So. You can wrap around the toes and then around the rope. Creating a loop. We're then going to bring this through here. And lock that off. - Ah. - How's that? (indistinct) Yeah. So then I'm going to bring her forward to take the tension off her. Be sure to communicate during this. As you saw, I brought her knees up to make that a lot easier and now that I've brought her back, it's becoming a little bit painful. Is that too painful? - Yeah. - Yeah. But that is how you do a hog tie. Taking the tension back off. When it becomes too painful, just bring the hips up, the knees up. Learning to come out very quickly. And you can play around with the tensions with this one. Bring her down a bit slowly. That's that one. So that's how you join the TK and a double column in order to make a hog tie. Okay. (soft music) ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah, you must be ♪ - So in this video, I'm going to show you guys what to do when you don't have a partner to tie. So, as you can see here, I've got a chair and I've got a mannequin. So one option, and alternative is that you can use your mannequin. You can find these online, or on Gumtree, or on marketplace. Something to be cautious of when you are hunting for one is my recommendation would be to get a dressmaker's one. The reason for this is because the material is a lot softer, and it's a lot easier when you're trying to learn rope. And if you're wanting to eventually do some hip harnesses and stuff like that, be sure and mindful to find one that's got some legs. And another thing to be mindful about is to get one with a flat platform that's stable. If you're looking online, what you'll find is if you get one with three legs, you might have some issues when it comes to balancing when learning how to tie. What you can see over here is the second alternative one is a very cheap option. All you need is a dining room chair, a pillow, and a pool noodle. The reason why we use a pool noodle is 'cause the pool noodle is going to give us some arms. As you can see here, it's allowed me to bring my TK. This is a demonstration of a TK time and it will allow you to do your kannuki lines, something that you won't find possible on a mannequin. Okay? And your anything you might find is that creating your tensions, keeping them all the same might be a little bit harder, as it will look a little bit different on a chair as opposed to tying a real human. So, hat is that one. And you can just find a t-shirt, buy a cheap little t-shirt, and put it over the pillow, and have that one here. I've chosen to show you this chest piece within this video solely for the main reason is that if you're wanting to bring this into the bedroom, this is a really good one if you struggle with confidence when it comes to reverse cowgirl. So the reason for showing you guys this chest piece on this mannequin is because this is a great one if you want to bring it into the bedroom. And the reason why I say this is because it gives you something to hold onto, as opposed to if you're someone who feels a little bit uncomfortable 'cause you don't know where to put your hands, or maybe you feel like you're going to face plant, then this is a really great one to bring into the bedroom. And it will allow you to feel a little bit more powerful, as a woman and a little bit more liberated. (soft music) ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah, you must be ♪ - In this video, I'm going to show you how to fold your rope in between play sessions. So you've got your rope, so if we look at our rope, right now this is what we're going to call the bite. This is basically what you work with. And then, so this is what we call the working end, and what you want to do is just grab your thumb, and your index finger and pull at the end, come down, and you're just going to loop. Loop your rope all the way down, till you get to about here. We're going to wrap it around once, twice, and then we wanna swap hands. We're going to put your index finger on the rope, going to wrap it around, and then you're gonna use your index finger to pull the rope through, through the hoop, and give it a little twist. And there, you've got your rope, okay? If you wanna add a little bit more of a dynamic, and a bit of spice to your play, my suggestion is to hold your rope out, find your bite, from after you've rolled your ropes up, and all you wanna do is pull it and let it out. And that's how we do that one. (upbeat music) ♪ Yeah ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Yeah ♪ - In this video, I'm going to show you guys how to join your ropes. To join your ropes you wanna go and find your bite. In order to find your bite, you wanna put your two fingers through, and then you're going to do a little circle, and that is how you join your ropes. To show you on a mannequin. I'm showing you here because what you don't want to do when you're tying your partner is to join any ropes in between the underarm, here, and within this section. And as you can see here, my two working ends have not actually even lined up, so because I can't join my rope here, because there are nerves here, it's quite a vulnerable area, I need to then join my rope here, and because my two ends are uneven, what I'm going to have to do is tighten it here, and then push these two parts down, and then I'm able to continue working on. So that is how we join our ropes. (chill electronic music) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ - In this video, I'm going to show you how to treat your ropes. This is extremely important after using it a few times in order to keep the ropes nice and soft and silky for a more pleasurable experience on the skin. All we need is four ingredients. Five. We need your beeswax, a cloth, your rope, some camomile oil and your carabiner. And that's all we're gonna need for this video, I hope you enjoy. Step one, place your rope through the carabiner, go around the front of your stem, up through the back, and then hold down. From here, we just wanna go all the way down. All the way through to the end. And then we're gonna come all the way back again. This allows us to get rid of all the little fuzzies and the fibers on the rope, allowing for a more sensual and smoother experience when the ropes are touching the skin. And we do this twice on each side. And voila. Step two, we then wanna go to your gas stove. If you do not have a gas stove, you may have to use a friend's. Another alternative option is you can go to a camping or hardware store and you can purchase a portable gas stove. So I'm just going to light this one up. As you can see, the reason why I'm doing this, you'll start to see the little orange fibers burn. I don't wanna put it all the way in, I just wanna sit it on top of the blue flame. I don't wanna burn my rope, I just wanna allow the flames to remove any of those fuzzies left on the rope. And we'll go all the way through. You can kind of turn and twist your rope as you do this. Nearly at the end. And then once you get to the end, oh, you wanna just go all the way back again, to ensure you got rid of them all. So you don't wanna see your rope light full on fire. And you'll know that you're done and that it's complete when there's no more little sparkles coming onto your rope. And that's done. Step three, we wanna tie up our rope to the carabiner again. We wanna grab our cloth, get your oil, and just sprinkle it onto the cloth, rub it in. And all we want to do is go all the way through, twisting the rope into it. All the way through to the end. And you can do this twice as well. You don't need to soak the cloth, it will just go into your ropes and condition it nicely. This maintains our ropes to last a lot longer. Just go all the way through. And that's that step. Step four, we then wanna grab our beeswax, grab your cloth, and we just wanna rub the cloth gently onto the beeswax. The trick is to not apply too much wax onto your cloth, it's always better to come back and retreat your ropes a second time then to have ropes that are extremely waxy, and this will come with self-practice as you start to treat your ropes a few times. So we're just gonna go straight to the end. And all I'm gonna do is, I'm actually rotating the rope, or rotating the cloth into the rope. And we're just gonna go all the way through. And then we'll do it again. Just let that go. Just go all the way through again. Just created a knot. Perfect. And it's really that easy. Now your ropes are treated, all you need to do that's left, is hang it up over your door or hang it up over something and allow them to dry. And then you'll be ready to start tying. (hip hop music) - In this video, I'm going to show you guys a great little exercise that I welcome you all to try prior to going into a play session with rope. And this one I like to call body control. So, it's a great way to establish a power dynamic and really grow it to establish trust and playing with the power. So what I'm going to do is get my partner's hands. I'm going to just glide them over here. And my thumb is just gonna hold here and here over the palm of their hand and my thumbs ever so lightly just touching the wrist. And what I'm gonna do is, having their arms nice and straight and nice and relaxed, taking a breath, (breathing noisily) going, we're going to go, I'm going to lean my partner down. You notice my body coming up a little bit and then instantly it's going to rise their body. And you notice I'm only doing this ever so slightly. So try not to be too forceful, come down back into a seating position. So an example of doing this quite forcefully will take a lot of the sensualness away from the experience. So we'll go down. Don't go too forcefully. The aim is to try and go nice and slow from here. If I'm just very lightly, I'm tapping on my left hand on the wrist and I'm moving. (model giggling) And down they go. (model laughing) So I'm gonna do that once again, just so you all see, and I'm just going to grab the wrist. Basically you can bend. This gives you all the power and my body is controlling this. So we'll go down once more, up, and then I come up and then notice how my right hand is just tilting ever so slightly with my body. (mattress slams) And down we go. This is really great to be on the other end to see how much can we really allow ourselves to let go. How much within our feminine flow can we be? And how much can we trust our partner to take that control away? So it's a really great exercise around trust and just to have a little bit of fun and to explore that. (hip hop music) - In this video, I'm going to talk to you guys about pleasure and pain spots. So when it comes to pleasure and pain, think of it like a journey, trying to explore your partner's body and what sensations can arise. And when it comes to pain, what we want to do is to turn those ouchies into (mocking moans) sounds. So pain processing. Pain processing comes down to breath wire. So when we feel pain within our scene or within the ropes or within flogging, what we want to do is to invite ourselves to come back to our breath and to just breathe, just go (breathing softly), and to see how much intensity can you allow your body to receive within the pain. And can you transmute that pain into pleasure? So now I'm just going to talk about some spots. Everyone is very different. I know some individuals who find certain muscles and trigger points around the knee quite painful. I know other individuals who receive a lot of pleasure from this. So all we really want to do is like when we're in within scene or anything, break up the rope with pressing on particular muscles. So is this one right around here? (model snickers) And you can tell that our model is trying not to laugh. There's another one that I like to call a pleasure zone and that's right within here and you can push within here. Is this painful? - A little bit. - So just breathe, deeply breathe, and just find little spots. You can always distinguish whether you're taking or finding these spots for your pleasure or whether this is for your partner's pleasure. And it's best to always come up with this agreement prior to going into scene. So another really spot is the psoas muscle, which is around the hips. (model laughing) And this is a really good sexual activator awakening spot. So sometimes I would just put on pressing the spots for about 30 seconds. And sometimes if we're, what we will notice within the bedroom if our partner is resisting, they will start to tense up and you just want to continue to hold it until the body slowly releases. So what you'll see within the muscles and the reaction is this tight spasming, and then we'll get to heat and then we'll go (slow sighing). And that's what you want. So there's one right there. Another pleasure zone is the ribs. I always like to just hold or push my fingertips in between the rib cage. Try find the little tissues. (model giggling) And you can just like put a few things here, or if you wanna be more forceful, you would just grab. (slow sighing) And you can always invite your partner to fall into this more by breathing because without having to tell our partner to drop in or to project certain things on to them, we can actually cultivate our masculine energy within and do that organically and naturally. And the way we do that is through breath. (breathing forcefully) And we will do that. So you can find other spots within the body. The nipples is another one as well that's a pleasure zone that can also be quite painful and trying to see how much sensation that person is able to receive. So another really good pleasure/pain point is the neck. So you've got this muscle that comes down here. I think it's called your sternomastoid. And if you turn your partner's head and they come back, you'll be able to grab it. You'll be able to pulsate it. So that one's there and you can grab it really tight to get a reaction out of their body and then you can slowly ease up. So essentially we're just really pushing on muscles. This is another really good place. You can bite. Also right here where people more than commonly get tension headaches. I believe this is called your temporalis and you can actually bite here as well. If you're into biting, you can explore that and bring that into the pleasure, and bring that into the pleasure and pain points. So it's here. It's one here. You can touch on the ears. And then also the back of the neck and that's that spot. So when it comes to exploring our partner's body through touch, ask yourself how much can you slow things down? How much can you follow the pleasure without having to control it, without having to force it, and to do this, it's a good way to establish this. It's either we're giving for their pleasure and to follow your intuition. When we slow down and breathe, things will come organically. You'll feel it within your hands. Whether you wanna just slowly go in, whether there's two points here. Whether you wanna place one hand over the heart and just push this little muscle on the back of the scapula. And you can go down through the back and the spine. This opens up the heart. And another thing is to also observe your partner's body. Are they in fear or are they genuinely open? And to do this is when we notice our partner's shoulders are forward and closed. Generally, this is showing a sign of a fear or that the heart is trying to protect itself. And if you know this and you can see this, it's a good sign to invite them to open up again. And you just do this ever so slightly just by touching certain points within the body. Or if you see them in a fear response and the body is contracting, whether you're in scene or moving and resisting, just place one hand on the back of the heart and on the front of the heart, and this will promote an instant feeling of safety. This will allow the body to relax. Or you can do it on the back and on the tummy and you can play with these two different places. So have a little play with that, have a little partner exercise and just have a little play with that one. (upbeat music) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ - In this video, I'm gonna talk to you guys about inviting some objects into your erotic play scenes. So adding sensory play into your bedroom will awaken all your sense and allow for a really good experience. So I really just wanted to show to you guys some of these floggers, especially for beginners and coming into the bedroom and that they're not actually really that scary or any reason to be intimidated by it. Always remember that only to bring them in if they're within your boundaries, within that scene and knowing that every day, your boundaries can be different. It's important to know that within every play session, depending on your emotional state and your emotional well-being, it is important to know that it your job and your responsibility to be able to negotiate what is okay and what is allowed and what it is that you desire within a scene. So one of the first ones that I wanna show you today is a flogger. This is one of my favorite ones. This is suede. I call the suede ones, the suede floggers, they're basically a form of foreplay. So they don't really hurt, they feel very nice on the back and on the buttocks. And basically, you just warm the body up with this one. I will show you a little bit later how to incorporate this one into a scene. And very important, with any floggers, when you're just getting used to your partner's body within scene, generally what you wanna do is warm them up a little bit and then once they're a little bit warmed up, throw in a few harder whips. And then ask your partner on a number of one to 10, what number do you rate this one? Because every person's pain threshold is going to be completely different. What might be someone's eight might be another individual's four. So in saying this, if that person's pain threshold is an eight, then it's very important to then ask them how many of this would you like or how far would you like to take this? In other words, how many of this heightened sensation or pain are you able to be able to handle? That way your partner knows, especially when you're just getting used to it. And you're both creating that safety and level of trust on a deeper level of vulnerability within yourself, and no one comes out in pain. (tapping) This one is a cropper. (tapping) Phew. - [Director] And you're live. (tapping) - Oh. (exhaling) It's that one. - [Director] You're rolling. - Okay. (slapping) (chuckling) I'm just gonna open these ones. (rattling) (chuckling) (whacking) Oy. (whacking) (slapping) And. (soft music) ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah ♪ ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ Yeah, you must be ♪ - In this video, I'm going to show you the correct way of adding intimacy within the art of flogging. So there are a few options that we can do this. One of them is that we can bring our partner over to the bed or over to the couch. And we can just guide, we want to guide, so just one hand on the tummy, bringing over, bringing the back down, and this is the first way. To add a little bit of extra mental stimulation and mindfuck, we can then request our partner to spread her legs. And then this is the correct position adding into some flogging. So we're just gonna come up again. The other way is we can go to the wall. So we'll bring our partner over to the wall, and we're going to guide her hands up, a little bit higher. Perfect. And we'll just guide here, and we're slow, so it's our job to slowly pull their back down and bring their butt out. So that is a second way. This is a really good option, as your partner will feel extremely anchored in when having her hands placed on the wall, and you can come up. Okay. Another option is that we can actually add in a double column tie, so we can bring our partner's hands into prayer position. Doing this, you want to make sure you do it nice and slowly, bring it over. The reason why we do it nice and slowly is because this is what enforces dominance. Over. To add a suspension line, all we have to do is find your point, if you do have something, we're going to go over, keeping this straight and our ropes straight. We're going to come down through the bite, which is this little part here. And then we're going to bring it all the way up. Bringing it right about there. We'll wrap around once more, and then I'm going to wrap around all the wraps, once, twice, can go a third time. Here, I'm going to bring my hand in the gap and then we're going to just hitch this off, so that will go and stay like that. And it's not staying like that. And you can just add a second one there. And bring that all the way up. Perfect. So from here, once again, I'm gonna bring my body in to create safety, placing my hand on their tummy, bending them over, and you just wanna warm up the body, let them know that you're here. You can spread your legs apart a little bit. And how's that feel for you? - Good. - Okay. So make sure you always check in. This is extremely important, especially if you're in a practice session. And more importantly, if you're actually learning to flog with a friend, you've always got to check in, especially if it's not a regular partner. (upbeat music) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ - So first, we wanna establish some safe words. One of the best ones I find that works the best is the red light traffic system, especially when you're just trying to learn each other's limits. So today we're going to use the red light traffic system and red means stop, amber means I'm on a limit and green means go. - Okay. - Yeah? Perfect. So now that we have established that agreement, what you would like to do, first can be a really great way to just glide. These are suede floggers, which I highly recommend because they're more of a thump than a sting. So they're quite nice. And we'll just go down. Now, when it comes to technique, what you wanna do, you've got your over arm hit and where you wanna hit is on the upper back. We wanna ensure we don't hit between the buttocks and the lower back. This is where the kidneys are. Another thing that we don't wanna hit, we wanna ensure that our floggers, that they don't come all the way around. So if this flogger here comes all the way around, once it hits the body here, it's going to swing around twice as fast. And then the tail of it is going to hurt around the front. And that's not why we're flogging. So we wanna have the thump around here. So get used to your aim and you wanna go there. So we go. We wanna get used to that. (whacking) And then check in with your partner. So a real good thing to do is to ask on a scale of one to 10, can you please give me a number. So on a scale of one to 10. (slapping) - Six. - Six, perfect. So we don't really wanna go above a six or a seven. But if you were going to go into scene, you would generally then be wanting to ask how far would you like to take this? To what number. - Seven, eight. - Seven or an eight? It's extremely important that once our partner has given us a number, that we don't take it into our own hands and push further past that number. Doing this can create some trauma and it's not going to allow our partner to wanna come back and experience this further. So if you're just starting out in flogging, start off lightly and then slowly work your way up. Now I'm going to show you a side technique with flogging. To do this, all you wanna do is one, two, one, two. (whacking) And that's that one. That's the side motion technique. Okay, so it's really good to keep a rhythm going. So if you just wanna do the straight hits, one, one, one, one, find a rhythm because the brain and the body will try and follow that rhythm. And then once we've created that rhythm, what we wanna do is then break up that rhythm. So if we were to go one, one, one, one. Then we wanna stop. And allow the body some time to respond because what it's going to do, it's going to build up the suspense and it's going to be wondering when is the flogger coming? And this is what creates a beautiful, joyful and pleasurable experience. Another alternative and a very popular one is to do a one, two, three motion. And what I wanna do, always start off just practicing with one flogger. So it would be the figure of eight. One, two, three. So you've got the figure of eight, which is on the side of each butt cheeks. And then to add in the third movement, one, two, three, it's really a 180 downturn. And what it does, it hits a different location of the buttocks and creates a different kind of sensation. So one, two, three, one, two, three. From there you can also mix it up. Another technique is going up. So one, two, three, four. Yeah? So I'll show you what that looks like on the body. We'll stick to one flogger for now. So one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. I'm now gonna show you what that looks like using two floggers. And two. (slapping) Now I'm gonna show you what that looks like using the figure of eight with the third step down and the fourth step flicking up. So we start off like this. One, two, three. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four and up. (slapping) So you can practice with the different steps. Practice with going down and actually targeting the buttocks. The other part is coming up here. And all that is is a up motion. (slapping) You can do this with one whip or you can do this with two. And check in with your partner. What I hear is that a lot of people really do like the up flick. So find out which ones feel more sensational and more pleasurable versus which ones don't. Keeping in mind that 70 to 80% of our flogging and spanking will be done on this part of the buttocks and the other part just around here. Very little amount will be done on the thighs. And then right in here is where they call the sweet spot. So if you were to invite a cane, that's where you would do it and you would generally only do one hit after the body's completely warmed up. (upbeat music) - I'm going to show you how to warm up the buttocks when it comes to hand spanking and the correct way of doing that. So the correct way of introducing your hand to the buttocks is to slowly warm the butt up. What we don't wanna do is to go straight in there and to hit the butt really hard. The reason why we don't wanna do this is 'cause what it's going to do it's gonna call some muscles to spasm up. It's going to allow our partner to more than likely leave their body and the aim of the experience and the pleasure is to stay inside the body. So to do this, we really wanna build up that practice. So just keeping a few rhythm spanks, allow the buttocks to go nice and pink. Once it goes pink, that's a really good indication to show you that the blood circulation has gone up to the surface. From there on in, then you can slowly about every seventh or eight one, then you can add in a hot spank. And the purpose of this is to allow the endorphins. The body will produce some endorphins when the body feels like it's underneath threat or that the body has received a pain signal. And then the endorphins are going to rush there. And that allows the body to feel a sensation of pleasure. And then over every 10 minutes, the body can produce more of that. So it's very important to keep into mind that over your period of time, the body's tolerance to pain is going to become a little bit less 'cause the body will be able to receive a lot more pain. So as a tops rule, very important that we don't increase how high we hit the person in order to receive a body reaction. Because at the end of that scene, that person's more than likely going to be really upset and really angry with you, and that is something that we don't wanna cause. The aim is just to create pleasure and to take your partner for a journey and through a nice little rollercoaster of sensations and to ensure that we don't hit that hard limit. So how this may look, I'm just going to get my partner to bend on over, we're just going to show some skin and what we're going to do, we wanna cup it and you can always talk to your partner when you starting off, just to get a good indication and to build up some confidence within yourself and feeling what feels good and what doesn't, because what we wanna do is to cup our hands, (hand spanking) and we wanna go up. (hand spanking) What we don't want to do is a spank and hit with the hands. (hand spanking) 'Cause what's that going to do? It's going to craze a little bit more pain for you, and it's going to be a lot more stingy for our partner. So when you're learning, just check in, just see how they're feeling, understand the difference in how you're spanking. And then also to add a little bit more force, move your body with them. So, (hand spanking) Notice how my partner's body will move forward. And then you can just do a few more (indistinct) (hand spanking) So I'm still warming up the area (hand spanking) and going up (hand spanking) and then I'm going to come off and you would just watch the muscles and their reactions. What we don't want is for them to full on clench in pain. If they do, when you allow some impact, wait for the muscles to go back to a relaxed state before you go back into a scene. So we can add a few more. (hand spanking) You can make upon a count to 10, and then you can add in another one. And then in between, bring in some more safety, some more intimacy and go around the legs, you can come up to the neck and you also just wanna rub the but. So you'll notice that we'll go to a stage where it will be a light pink, and then it'll go to a red and then it'll go to a little bit more of a blotchy red. When it gets to a blotchy red, that is when you will be able to then invite some more paddles. And then you can add in a few paddles. So just mix up all the sensations, just mix up all the sensations, whether it be a light feather stroke, whether it be your claws of your nail, coming up, little scratches, nice rubbing, and then some hands. And over a period of time, then you allow your partner to enter a place called subspace and I'll touch base on that in another module.

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