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The Sex Ed You Wish You’d Had

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Master New Techniques

Develop skills to become a better giver and an active receiver.

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Reignite the Spark

Explore new ways to spice things up — with or without a partner.

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Enjoy Sex More

Build confidence and give in to new depths of pleasure.

Reconnect Sexually

Let us guess: you used to eat each other for breakfast, but now even the thought of discussing sex with your partner makes you cringe?

Beducated offers a safe space to get rid of that awkwardness, start talking about sex with your partner honestly, and learn new techniques to spice things up. No judgement, no taboo, no anxiety.

Sexual Happiness is Trainable

Beducated is the only platform of its kind where you’ll learn how to:

  • Open up to your partner(s) about intimacy

  • Initiate sex tastefully without having to ask for it

  • Explore fantasies and kinks in a safe space

  • Give and receive mind-blowing pleasure

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“I don't think my relationship would still be going on a year later without Beducated. Yes, the site is focused on sex, but it allowed us to learn new things about each other and communicate in ways we never would have without Beducated. I credit Beducated for saving my relationship”
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“My husband and I grew up in an extremely sheltered religious world and sex was never discussed. After four kids and 15 years of marriage, we needed some spice. Beducated has been a lifesaver helping us keep our sex life interesting!”
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“I love the video tutorials because they alleviate the stress of self interpretation with "how tos." [...] I feel more comfortable with my sexuality and want to create new dialogues with my partners to open new doors and improve intimacy”
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Tasteful demonstrations for visual learners

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Five green boxes with rating stars

I’m thankful for all I’ve learned. Beducated respectfully shares valuable information in a comfortable format. I say it in “our” or ”us” too because I’ve shared what I’ve learned with others. From exploring new things and ideas, helping to build our self confidence, to loving ourselves, and letting go of beliefs ingrained from our childhood/adulthood that just don’t work for us. Thank you!

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it is useful content that I’ve highly recommended to my friends to subscribe to. I’m so happy I’ve joined and am looking forward to more lessons.

Rose D
Five green boxes with rating stars

I love all the education about sex and sexuality. I love, the love and care of each teacher, educating us about the many aspects of sex.

Five green boxes with rating stars

Beducated has taught me so much and allowed me to expand my sexual curiosity to myself, without judgement and to accept all forms of pleasures <3

Five green boxes with rating stars

Love everything about it! Have learned so so much. Made my connection to sex and intimacy so much more healthy and fun🙏🏽

Five green boxes with rating stars

We all need a safe place to come to learn and is that place. I am so thankful to find my community.

Eric Thompson
Five green boxes with rating stars

...but only when you are ready to make the difference yourself in making a the difference and great shift in your and your partners sexual well being and how sex is experienced.

Anne van Seters
Five green boxes with rating stars

Enjoyed all the educational videos. This is a great tool that helped me gain more confidence in my body. Highly recommended!

Jeena A.


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Was ist Beducated?

Beducated ist die größte Online-Plattform für ein besseres Liebesleben.

Bei uns erhältst du Zugang zu einer einzigartigen Bibliothek aus über 100 Onlinekursen von weltweit führenden Expert*innen. Endlich ein angemessener Raum um alles über Sexualität und ein besseres Liebesleben zu lernen. Egal wie alt du bist, welche Vorlieben du hast, oder wie dein Beziehungsstatus ist – Beducated ist für dich!

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Bei Beducated bekommst du über 100 Onlinekurse von den weltbesten Expert*innen. Nicht alle davon sind deutschsprachig, aber wir sind dabei mehr und mehr Kurse komplett ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Im Moment findest du einige komplett deutsche Kurse in der Bibliothek, einige Kurse mit deutscher Synchronstimme, und alle Kurse mit deutschen Untertiteln. Natürlich kannst du auch jeweils die Englischen Originale ansehen, wo vorhanden.

Wherever you are in your personal journey, make sure your love life grows with you.

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