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Cunnilingus Onlinekurs:
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Deine Experten für atemberaubenden Sex
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Cunnilingus ist mehr als nur Lecken! Verwöhne in diesem Beducated Original deinen Lieblingsmenschen, komplett mit Video-Tutorials und Übungen.

Was du lernen wirst

  1. Zehn Techniken für großartigen Cunnilingus
  2. Warum gute Kommunikation wichtig ist
  3. Wie du eine Geber- und Empfänger-Mentalität entwickelst
  4. Wie du Oralsex mit einem Löffel, einer Orange oder einem Pfirsich übst

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Deine Experten für atemberaubenden Sex

Beducated Originals vereint fortschrittliche Forschung und lustbasierte Sex Education mit bewährten traditionellen Methoden. Die Sex Schule setzt sich das Ziel, Tabus rund um das Thema Sex ein für alle Mal zu durchbrechen und eine offene Gesellschaft zu fördern.

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Lektionen und Module

0-30 min
  1. 1. Hier geht's los
  2. 2. Wie du dich vorbereitest
  3. 3. Wie du unvergesslichen Cunnilingus gibst
  4. 4. Wie du Cunnilingus beendest
  5. 5. Cunnilingus Follow-Along Training
  6. 6. The Flick
  7. 7. The Kivin Method
  8. 8. The Lick
  9. 9. The Clit Swirl
  10. 10. The Kiss
  11. 11. The Suck
  12. 12. The Lollipop Lick
  13. 13. The Blow
  14. 14. The Buzz
  15. 15. The Deep Dive

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Welcome to this Beducated online course, my name is Mariah Freya, and I am the cofounder of Beducated. Together we're going to explore one of the tastiest items on the bedroom menu, oral sex. With this course we want you to gain more confidence in your oral giving skills. We want you to develop deeper intimacy with your partner, and we want you to be able to relax, and enjoy yourself while receiving. How will you learn all this? First of all, we'll provide you with excellent mindset and communication strategies, we'll also cover basic and advanced techniques that will blow your partner's mind. In another video, you'll be able to practice all of that without a partner, and get ready for your next-date night. To level-up your love play even more, checkout our worksheets, and our techniques library. We're so delighted to be on this journey with you. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our Beducated support team. We also invite you to join our online community, there you'll be able to connect with like-minded sexual explorers just like yourself. Now let's dive right in, and explore a few fact about oral sex. You may wonder if oral is really that important, and it's a fair question. Studies have show that oral sex actually has the power to make or break relationships. The more a couple practices it, the better both parties perceive their connection to be. Around 75% of vulva owners, have trouble cumming through intercourse alone. A combination of intercourse and oral, is far more likely to make more vulva owners orgasm. But the benefits of oral aren't just physical, they're emotional too. Oral sex brings the most public area of the body, our face, together with the most private, our genitals. Getting up close and personal with a partners' sexual center is a fail-safe way to boost intimacy. We'd like to mention some important points to start you off on the right track, first and foremost safety. Some people believe oral is safer than other sex acts, the truth is many sexual transmitted infections can spread through oral sex too. We encourage you and your partner to get tested before practicing unprotected. The techniques in this course are largely intended for use on monogamous relationships, or with people you know well, and trust. If you wanna use protection, more power to you. Dental dams for cunnilingus are easy to find nowadays. Also, be sure to trim your mustache if you have one, and your nails, to avoid accidentally giving your partner any little nicks or cuts. Taking a bath or shower can go a long way to ease worries about cleanliness, it also shows your partner that you want them to enjoy giving. Let's talk about mindset next, whether you're giving, or receiving, great cunnilingus is all about enthusiasm. As the giver, you'll have more fun if you're present, and relaxed during the deed. Let go of perfectionism, and fear of judgment, cunnilingus begins outside the bedroom, you can build excitement by teasing, and seducing your partner, by talking about what you'll do to them later. Kiss and hug your partner, and enjoy that sexy sense of anticipation before taking off their cloths. Once you're in the bedroom, or a location of your choice, start by caressing, and kissing your partners arms, chest, and stomach, rather than just going straight for your target. Take your time to activate their whole body, and then gradually move inward to their pleasure center. Finally, look forward to your partner's unique and addictive flavor. When you taste their natural lubrication, it means your on the right track. There's no ideal, or a correct way for a vulva to look. By embracing your partners body as is, you'll be setting them up for a much better experience, and honest compliment can go a long way. (fruit cheers) keep in mind that one consistent sensation can get boring, and even painful, experiment with rhythm, speed, and intensity, throughout the process. Any pressure to come, can make in impossible for receivers to enjoy themselves. Make it your goal to pleasure your partner, rather than focusing too much on their orgasm. Now let's talk about receiving, though it may seem simple, enjoying oral requires vulnerability. Letting go about worries about your body, or pressure to come is crucial. If your partner wants to go down on you, it means they find you attractive, and your pleasure is important to them. There's no need to rush, perform, or do anything for your partner in return. Savor your pleasure in whatever way feels natural to you. What's the best way to learn what your partner loves the most when you go down on them? Do to the menstrual cycle, time of the day, and mood, your partner will prefer different things, each time you give oral. Communication is key to learning what really turns your partner on in the moment, and leaves performance frustration behind. We recommend what we call an alignment session, every so often. So for example, every fifth session or so. During a session, the receiver gives clear directions to the giver, on how to meet their desires about techniques, intensity, and speed. The giver can apply this feedback in action, and has the chance to boost their skills immediately. Alignment sessions create a dedicated space for judgment-free sharing and improvement, at at the same time, you'll still have plenty of other changes to enjoy oral, with our talking through techniques. So give it a try, so you can keep learning, and growing together. Now sit back and relax, and get ready for this delicious adventure. Instructor: In this video, we'll cover several pleasurable cunnilingus techniques. Generally speaking, you'll wanna start with plenty of foreplay, rather than diving right in. To prepare for this section, be sure to catch the previous video. First, let's talk positions. These are some of the most comfortable options for eating pussy. First up, The Classic. Have your partner lie on their back with their torso propped up so they can watch. Position yourself between their legs. There's also the The Recliner. Your partner can sit on a chair, coach, or bed, while you kneel in front of them. Elevate their hips with a cushion for easier access. Last up is Legs Up. Have your partner lie on their back with their legs up. You can hold their knees, raise one leg up, or lay them out to the sides. There are many more elaborate positions out there, which we cover in our technique library. Don't forget to check them out later. Now let's talk about some basic techniques. Mastering those will give you a solid basis for eating pussy and learning more advanced techniques later on. First of all, there's the kiss. This is a great way to start. Use the exact same technique that you would use to kiss your partner on the lips. Second, we have the flick. This technique works great on the clitoris. Flick your tongue up and down or side to side. Check in with them on what they like best, and also your intensity and speed. There's also the suck. Suck on one of your partner's labia, one at a time, pulling it gently. You can also create an O shape with your lips, and surround the clit with it. Suck it in to create a pleasant vacuum sensation. A funny one not to miss is The Buzz. Make a strong buzzing sound with your lips, vibrating all over the vagina. Keep in mind that this natural vibrator can be quite loud, depending on your intensity level. Next, there's The Lick. You can lick along their outer and inner lips. This is a wonderful way to get started. Our sixth technique is The Blow. Instead of touching the clit, blow on it to create a cooling sensation. Last but not least, The Nibble. Use your teeth very gently to tease your partner. You can, for instance, nibble on their labia or inner thighs. Check in with your partner to make sure they actually enjoy this kind of stimulation. Now that you know the basics, we'll continue with some advanced techniques. Let's talk labia first. It's important to give these luscious lips the attention they deserve, before moving toward the clit or vaginal entrance. When approaching the inner labia, make sure they're well-lubricated with saliva. Our favorite labia technique is The Lollipop Lick. Stretch out your tongue so it's wide and flat, then make long, broad strokes from the bottom to the top of the vulva. Coat the inner labia with plenty of saliva, and do it extra slowly. Now, let's move on to the clitoris. This is the most sensitive part of your partner's body, so save it for when they're already warmed up. Don't overstimulate it, and make sure it's always moist. Seduce the clit slowly and with care. First, there's the Clit Swirl. Create the clit vacuum again. Hold this, and move your tongue around your partner's clit in circles. Change directions to find which way they like better. Next, try the Kivin Method. Have your partner lie on their back, and position yourself on their side. Place your index and middle fingers top-down over their outer labia, then flick your tongue over the clitoral hood. Using your other hand, press against their perineum. After stimulating the clit, make your way down to the entrance of the vagina. Touching this area will be most pleasurable when your partner is warmed up and wet. Try The Deep Dive. Insert your tongue mindfully inside the vagina, simulating intercourse. You can alternate by using your fingers if your tongue gets tired. Rub your upper-lip and tongue around the clit, increasing the intensity each time. Now that we're inside the vagina, let's move to the G spot. You can use your hands to stimulate this magical spot while going down on your partner. Try making a come-hither motion with your fingers, by curling them up against the front wall of the vagina. Ask your partner how much pressure they prefer. To learn more about how to stimulate your partner's internal pleasure zones, check out our female orgasm online course. You may wanna try adding internal or external vibration into the mix. And if your partner desires it, try some extra anal fun. Caress the anus with one or two fingers while your tongue is focused on the clit. Keep track of which fingers your using during anal play, and wash up before using them on the vagina. For more oral geekery, check out our techniques library. You'll find all the hot moves there. (upbeat music) Narrator: This video is all about helping your partner reach their maximum pleasure potential, while making sure you both have a great experience. At Beducated, we believe in pleasure first and orgasm second. Not all vulva owners can reach climax during cunnilingus, so don't stress too hard about crossing that big O finish line. (upbeat music) Of course, we know you wanna make your partner feel as good as possible. That's where edging comes in. Edging is when you take your partner to the brink of orgasm and pause right before the point of no return. When your partner gets there, slow down, or gently come to a pause and give them a moment to cool down. Then, come back for another round, building their arousal back up gradually. If you're not sure how aroused they are, you can use the pleasure scale. Ask your partner on a scale of one to 10 how close they are to coming. It's worth noting that not all vulva owners enjoy edging. For some, it simply ruins the moment or weakens their orgasm. We recommend exploring your partner's preference during your Alignment Sessions. If you know your partner well, you can probably tell when they're about come. They may tense up, breathe more heavily, moan more loudly, or begin to shudder. Vulva owners primarily experience clitoral orgasms during cunnilingus. This is why the clitoris is the main focus of eating pussy. Other types of orgasms, like G-spot orgasms for instance, are also possible, depending on where you touch with your mouth and hands. When you stimulate your partners G-spot, be aware that they might squirt. If so, celebrate. Female ejaculation is a sign of deep trust and the ability to let go. By the way, how does your partner taste? Vaginal lubrication and fluids released during squirting are affected by both diet and lifestyle choices. People who drink lots of coffee or alcohol may have more of a bitter taste. If you or your partner are interested in changing this, eating fruit and drinking plenty of water can make a big difference. So what should you do when your partner's about to climax? Well, it's important not to overthink it. If one of the techniques, or combinations, we've presented in this course works well, stick to it. Keep your speed and intensity level consistent, and watch your partner explode into a puddle of orgasmic glitter. Remember, some vulva owners can't come from cunnilingus alone. Usually when this is the case, the feeling of being licked and sucked, simply isn't enough stimulation. Using your hands in combination with your mouth can help bring them over the edge here. Talking dirty and making eye contact can also help increase intensity and eroticism. Adding vibration, caressing their breasts, inner thighs or anus, may also help them get past the tipping point. If you're trying to get your partner off through cunnilingus alone, it may take a little longer and require more endurance on your end. Grab a towel and wipe your face if things get a bit too wet and slippery. If your partner doesn't end up coming, it's better to ease up than pressure or overstimulate them. Slow down, switch techniques, or simply try again later when they're up for it. No biggie. And if your tongue starts to get tired before your partner reaches orgasm, don't panic. It's always okay to take a rest. Use one of your hands to continue providing the same stimulation that worked best with your tongue. Keep in mind that after your partner has peaked, their whole vulva will become super sensitive. Let them cool down and rest while you clean up yourself. That's it! (couple laughing) You've learned how to orchestrate a magical, grand finale for your partner. Give these strategies a try and see what works best for you. Enjoy! (gentle music) (electronic music) Instructor: Get ready for some athletic tongue-training. With this video, you'll have a chance to practice the techniques you've learned without a partner. By practicing these methods two to three times a week, you'll be a cunnilingus pro in no time. To prepare, get yourself a piece of fruit, like a peach or an orange. Try to find one that's not too soft. Also, grab a spoon to warm up. Then, get started by doing our warmup exercises without any tools. First, relax your jaw by gently massaging it with the palms of your hands. Yawn a few times for a good stretch. Next, do the tongue inside push, press your finger against the outside of your right cheek. From the inside, push your tongue against your cheek where your finger is pressing, hold it for one to two seconds. Relax and repeat five times for each side of your mouth. Move on to the tongue push forward. Stick out your tongue as far as you can. Then, grab the spoon and press the back of it against your tongue, push back against it, hold this for one to two seconds and repeat five times. Now, do the tongue pushup, use your spoon to push down against the flat of your tongue, push upward into the spoon with your tongue, hold this for one second and repeat five times. And finally, the tongue push to the side, stretch your tongue as far as possible toward the corner of your mouth while pressing against the spoon, hold this for one second, repeat this five times for each side of your mouth. Now, let's practice the basic techniques. First, there's the kiss. Give your piece of fruit a nice, juicy kiss. Use the exact same time technique you would use to kiss your partner on the lips. Second, we have the flick. Flick your tongue up and down or side to side. Try it on different areas of your fruit. Let's move on to the vibrator technique, the buzz. Make a strong buzzing sound with your lips, vibrating all over your fruit. Next, try the lick, make long, delicious lips over the surface of your fruit. Just make sure not to eat it, even if it's tempting. Our sixth technique is the blow, simply blow on your fruit and check for the best mouth-to-fruit distance. Last but not least, the nibble. Use your teeth very gently to nibble on your fruit. Now, review our advanced cunnilingus techniques by practicing on your piece of fruit. Start with the lollipop lick. Stretch out your tongue so it's wide and flat. Then, make long, broad strokes from the bottom to the top of your piece of fruit. Do this extra slowly. Next, do the clit swirl. Create an O shape with your lips and surround the fruit's imaginary clit with it. Suck lightly to create a pleasant vacuum sensation, hold this and move your tongue around your fruit clit in circles. Next up, the Kivin method. Place your index and middle fingers top-down over the fruit. Then, tilt your head and flick your tongue over the fruit clit. Finally, practice the deep dive. Create a fruit opening and suck it to your lips. Then, insert your tongue and simulate intercourse. Try to increase your suction and intensity level each time. Remember, no one is born a cunnilingus master so take your time and don't be too hard on yourself. Also, check out our techniques library for more great tips. This concludes our cunnilingus section. Thank you for watching and following along, we hope you enjoy trying all of these delicious techniques with your partner.

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