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Hook-Ups Onlinekurs:
EduPorn Tips für Casual Sex

Sex School
Sexualpädagog*innen für Erwachsene
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Du möchtest deine lockeren sexuellen Begegnungen mit mehr Respekt und Erfüllung gestalten? Hook-Ups von Sex School ist vollgepackt mit Videolektionen und Übungen, um deine Beziehungen sinnlich, sicher und aufregend zu gestalten.

Was du lernen wirst

  1. Etikette für sicheres Hook-Up: Grenzen setzen und Bedürfnisse navigieren
  2. Die Dos and Don'ts beim Hook-Up
  3. Expertentipps für ein heißes Erlebnis
  4. Den Umgang mit aufkommenden Emotionen bei oder nach einem Hook-Up

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Lerne von den besten Expert*innen der Welt.

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Schnelle Ergebnisse und einfach zu befolgende Anleitungen.

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Sex School

Sexualpädagog*innen für Erwachsene

Sex School, eine auf EduPorn spezialisierte Gruppe von Sexualpädagog*innen, bricht Tabus rund um das Thema Sex und Sexualität. Sie schaffen grundlegende und zugängliche Ressourcen für ein gesundes, lustvolles Sexualleben.

Mehr von diesem Coach

Lektionen und Module

0-30 min
  1. 1. All You Need to Know About Hook Ups
  2. 2. Essential Hook Up Dos & Don’ts
  3. 3. Tantalizing Tips for Hook-Up Success
  4. 4. Hot Hook Up Homework

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Entwickle neue Fähigkeiten, um besser geben wie auch aktiv empfangen zu können.

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Erlebe atemberaubendes Vergnügen und entdecke neue Wege, dein Liebesleben aufzupeppen.

Illustration of a confident woman

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Whether online or in real life, there's no trick to hooking up. But there are many bad ways to approach someone. Here are some do's and don'ts of hooking up. I lost my number, can I get yours? Does that work for you? Hoping it does! Can I have a glass of wine? Yeah, sure. I really like your tattoos. Thanks! They're really sexy. I want to tell you something but it's really loud, come here... What was that!? You were undressing me with your eyes! Yes I was flirting with you, but that doesn’t give you permission to kiss me, you’re going way too fast. Excuse me, do you have a lighter? Yes, sure. Mind if I join you? Go ahead. Do you come here often? My friends play here and its cool to support them you know, what about you? This is my first time, but I really like the vibe, reminds me of this bar I used to go Circus they closed it down, they had crazy parties. I can't believe it, it is my favorite club! How did we not bump into each other? It's insane! Wow! At least we are here now! At least we are here now! Cheers! After the right approach, some mutual connections, it might feel right to continue the conversation in private. When you find yourself in a hookup, remember: like always, communication and consent are key. Bring your own protection in case your partner does not have any. Clearly express your sexual health preferences. It might help not to have many expectations, remember to enjoy the moment and go with the hookup flow. (Karyn) I do a little ritual before a new encounter I try to cleanse the energy and the spirit of the room so we have a fresh palate. Are you into Palisotto? (Bishop) Sure (Karyn) Serious question, do you like Palisotto? (Bishop) Is this a deal breaker? (Karyn) Pretty much, you look like a Palisotto Guy. (Bishop) I can be. (Karyn) So funny running into you tonight! (Bishop) It was nuts (Karyn) Very unexpected. (Bishop) Like unexpected things are. (Karyn) I really hate clothes (Bishop) Is that so? (Karyn) Yeah they make me angry. (Bishop) What shall we do? (Karyn) Take them off! (Karyn) I hate pants now, take them off! (Bishop) So nice (Karyn) For real? *Bishop nods* (Karyn) Feels nice to me too. (Bishop) Want to try something. (Karyn) I like this. (Karyn) You taste that, right? (Bishop) Let's do it this way. (Karyn) Yeah (Karyn) Long and hard. (Karyn) It's too good! You are going to get me addicted! (Karyn) I would love to feel you inside me. I have a little safety station over there. It's really sexy. (Karyn) What do you think of a room with a safety section? (Bishop) I think it's a good idea! (Karyn) Sometimes I find that licking balls while putting the condom helps. (Karyn) Oh my goodness! (Bishop) Want some water? (Karyn) I'd love some water! (Karyn) Prost to hydration! (Bishop) To hydration! (Karyn) God, I love water! It's like we can fuck for hours when we do this. (Bishop) That's OK? (Karyn) Yeah! (Karyn) Oh, that's nice. (Bishop) Yeah? (Karyn) Yeah, you can go harder (Bishop) Would you like that? (Karyn) Harder! *Moans* (Karyn) You are really good playing with pussies. (Karyn) You cock feels so good. (Bishop) Want me to put it in? (Karyn) I'd love that! (Karyn) Of course, no pressure, but... sometimes is hard to find a nice connection. And... would be nice to explore. I always try everything five times. Maybe we could try four more times? (Bishop) Sure, I would love that) (Karyn) Yay! (Karyn) I do a little ritual before a new encounter I try to cleanse the energy and the spirit of the room so we have a fresh palate. Are you into Palisotto? (Bishop) Sure (Karyn) Serious question, do you like Palisotto? (Bishop) Is this a deal breaker? (Karyn) Pretty much, you look like a Palisotto Guy. (Bishop) I can be. (Karyn) So funny running into you tonight! (Bishop) It was nuts (Karyn) Very unexpected. (Bishop) Like unexpected things are. (Karyn) I really hate clothes (Bishop) Is that so? (Karyn) Yeah they make me angry. (Bishop) What shall we do? (Karyn) Take them off! (Karyn) I hate pants now, take them off! (Bishop) So nice (Karyn) For real? *Bishop nods* (Karyn) Feels nice to me too. (Bishop) Want to try something. (Karyn) I like this. (Karyn) You taste that, right? (Bishop) Let's do it this way. (Karyn) Yeah (Karyn) Long and hard. (Karyn) It's too good! You are going to get me addicted! (Karyn) I would love to feel you inside me. I have a little safety station over there. It's really sexy. (Karyn) What do you think of a room with a safety section? (Bishop) I think it's a good idea! (Karyn) Sometimes I find that licking balls while putting the condom helps. (Karyn) Oh my goodness! (Bishop) Want some water? (Karyn) I'd love some water! (Karyn) Prost to hydration! (Bishop) To hydration! (Karyn) God, I love water! It's like we can fuck for hours when we do this. (Bishop) That's OK? (Karyn) Yeah! (Karyn) Oh, that's nice. (Bishop) Yeah? (Karyn) Yeah, you can go harder (Bishop) Would you like that? (Karyn) Harder! *Moans* (Karyn) You are really good playing with pussies. (Karyn) You cock feels so good. (Bishop) Want me to put it in? (Karyn) I'd love that! (Karyn) Of course, no pressure, but... sometimes is hard to find a nice connection. And... would be nice to explore. I always try everything five times. Maybe we could try four more times? (Bishop) Sure, I would love that) (Karyn) Yay!

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