Über diesen Kurs
Was du lernen wirst
- Die Kunst einer einfühlsamen, erotischen Massage
- Erotische Massagetechniken für Penis und/oder Vulva
- Innovative Wege zur Befriedigung deiner Partner*innen
- Wie sinnliche Massagen dazu beitragen können, wieder zueinander zu finden
Entdecke diesen Kurs – und viele mehr!
Lerne von den besten Expert*innen der Welt.
Schnelle Ergebnisse und einfach zu befolgende Anleitungen.
Für jeden. Singles, Paare, alle Geschlechter und Orientierungen.
Präsentiert von
Yves Bonroy
Holistischer Sexcoach
Yves ist holistischer Sexual Wellness Coach. Seine Lehren, die Tantra und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse kombinieren, werden in einer praktischen, sinnlichen Art und Weise präsentiert, die zu kreativer Lustund klarer Kommunikation inspiriert.
Mehr von diesem CoachLektionen und Module
- 1. Einführung
- 2. Penis-Massage
- 3. Vulva-Massage
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We've prepared an awesome Tao erotic massage for the both of you. It's a loving, heart connecting massage based Tao techniques, in which we'll show you how to generate and stimulate your partner's sexual energy or life force energy as we call it as well. And so that it can flow more freely throughout their whole body. And as the massage takes around one-half hours in total, we have filmed it in two parts. So if giving a one-half-hour massage is a bit too long for you, you can also choose to give your partner a 45 minute massage and then switch sides or decide to do it another time. In the first part, Esther's massaging my backside. And in the second part, I'm working on Esther's front. Both parts of the massage can be used for both men and women. And for the massage, you will need to have massage oil, coconut oil or olive oil already, and a big towel to lie on. And for your convenience, you can either watch the massage and copy the movements with my voice guiding you or you can choose for the video without my voice but with subtitles explaining what to do. (ethereal music) - [Instructor] Sit behind your partner's head, one knee on each side of their head. (ethereal music continues) Breathe together. (ethereal music continues) Slowly place your palms on his head, resting both your thumbs in the middle of his forehead, and breathe in sync with your partner. On the exhale, slowly slide down with your thumbs and hands off the sides and back of his head. You will do this three times. (ethereal music continues) Now, gently place your hands on the side of his throat. Stroke down with your thumbs on the exhale, and you will repeat this three times. (ethereal music continues) Place your thumbs next to his nipples and with outbreath, stroke down towards his armpits. You can ask your partner to make sounds on the exhale, and again, do this three times. (ethereal music continues) Now, place your hands on the sides of the lower part of his rib cage and breathe together. On the exhale, stroke downwards. (ethereal music continues) Now, change position and kneel between your partner's legs. (relaxing music) Place your hands on the sides of his hips and stroke downwards on the exhale. Breathe together. (relaxing music continues) Now, place your hands on his upper thighs, parallel to his cock, and again, slowly stroke downwards on the exhale. (relaxing music continues) Hold his feet to ground him. (relaxing music continues) Now, change position, and the man will lay on his stomach with the woman kneeling at his side. (relaxing music continues) Rub your hands together, creating energy. Now, place your right hand on the back of his heart. Breathe together. (relaxing music continues) Place your thumb and index finger on the back of his heart, one finger on each side of the spine, and with strong pressure, jiggle your fingers back and forth for a few seconds and then promptly remove your hands. Repeat this movement while moving upwards towards the head a little every time. And when you reach the neck, return to the back of his heart. Repeat the jiggle, now moving downwards a little every time. (relaxing music continues) Return to the back of his heart, repeat jiggling upwards, and do faster this time. Return to the back of the heart and do the jiggling downwards. (relaxing music continues) Repeat the jiggling upwards and downwards one last time and do it even faster. (relaxing music continues) Take your hands off, relax, and breathe together. Ask your partner to move his hands to rest under his forehead. (relaxing music continues) Place your thumb and index finger on both sides of his neck and pinch and stroke upwards to open the neck, moving a little up the neck with every stroke. Repeat this a few times. (gentle music) Change position, with the woman kneeling next to the man's legs. (gentle music continues) Place and hold the palm of your hand against the sacrum, the gateway of the spine. Breathe together. Make strong but slow pulsing movements, pushing your hands upwards in the direction of his head. (gentle music continues) Make your final movements gentle and faster, vibrating the sacrum. (gentle music continues) Repeat the strong and slow pulsing movements, and alternate with the gentle faster pulsing when your body needs a break. Or hold your hand still, resting on his backbone for a couple of seconds, then go back to the strong pulsing movements when you can. (gentle music continues) Keep doing this for the next couple of minutes, depending on your energy levels. Feel free to take breaks to regain energy. (gentle music continues) (gentle music continues) Take your hands off his body. Put some oil on your hands. Spread the oil on and around his sacrum and over his bum. (gentle music continues) Now, place your right hand on his right cheek and your thumb on his tailbone, and very slowly and firmly stroke downwards towards the hips. Now, do the same stroke on the other cheek with your left hand. (peaceful pulsing music) And repeat these strokes on both sides a couple of times. (peaceful music continues) (peaceful music continues) Change position. Kneel between the man's legs. (peaceful music continues) Hold his sacrum with your left hand, and breathe together. Place your right hand on top of your left hand. And then with your right hand, slide from his sacrum all the way up his spine to his neck and head. And moving the energy up, repeat this stroke. (peaceful music continues) Move back to sitting behind your partner's head, a knee on each side. (peaceful music continues) Put a generous amount of oil in your hands and spread it on his neck, shoulders, and back, all the way down to his bum. (peaceful music continues) Also spread the oil on his sides and down to his buttocks, and then up his sides. (peaceful music continues) Place your hands on his shoulder blades and breathe together. (peaceful music continues) On his exhale, stroke down with your hands over his bum and back up over his buttocks and sides to his armpits. Cup his shoulders with your palms and then slide your hands toward his neck. Turn your hands again, stroking his neck with the back of your hands, then slide your hands in praying position to the middle of his back. Wait for his exhale, and then repeat the stroke. Down his back, over his bum, over his buttocks and sides, back up. Off the shoulders, towards the neck, and then return to the middle of his back. (peaceful music continues) Keep repeating this stroke for the next couple of minutes, starting on the exhale. You can alternate the speed, go slower or faster, or keep the same pace, whatever you prefer. Keep breathing together. (peaceful music continues) (peaceful music continues) (peaceful music continues) Rest your hands on his back and relax. (peaceful music continues) Now, put the palms of your hands together and start drumming with a lot of power on the back of the heart. And take your hands off in one quick movement. (peaceful music continues) Now, start drumming powerfully on the sacrum. Again, take your hands off in one quick movement. Sit back, relax, breathe, and watch your partner. Now, use the palm of your hand and firmly slide from the back of his heart down to his lower back and sacrum. Slide back up and do it repeatedly, generating heat and moving the heart energy down into the sexual region. (peaceful music continues) And take your hands off in one quick movement. (peaceful music continues) Apply some oil on the back, bum, and buttocks. (peaceful music continues) Also apply some oil on the perineum, which is the area between his anus and genitals. (peaceful music continues) Now, on his exhale, do the same stroke as before. So down his back, over his bum, over his buttocks and sides, back up. Over the shoulders, towards the neck, and then return to the middle of his back. Now, stroke even lower, all the way down over his bum, over the inside of his legs, touching his perineum and genital area and over the buttocks. Use your forearms to massage the sides going back up. (peaceful music continues) Repeat this movement, but this time move further into the inside of his leg and pause for a moment when you reach his perineum. (peaceful music continues) Keep repeating this stroke for the next couple of minutes, always starting the flow on the exhale. (peaceful music continues) (peaceful music continues) (peaceful music continues) Then when you stop, place both of your hands on the back of his heart and breathe. (peaceful music continues) Change position to kneel in between his legs. (peaceful music continues) Hold his ankles. Lift his lower legs and lean back with your body. Use your body weight, and don't pull with your arms. (peaceful music continues) Put his legs down wide enough so you move up between them. (peaceful music continues) Take some oil and spread the oil on both the inside and outside of the legs. (peaceful music continues) Also apply oil on the soles of the feet. (peaceful music continues) Stroke upwards on the inside of his calves and then downwards on the outside. So upwards on the inside and down on the outside. Keep repeating this stroke, and with every stroke, move higher up the leg, moving upwards inside the legs and downward on the outside of the legs. If you feel like it, you can make it more intense or lighter. Play with different sensations. (peaceful music continues) Now, include his bum in your stroke, your thumb massaging his peroneum. (peaceful music continues) So upwards on the inside of his legs and downwards on the outside. (peaceful music continues) (peaceful music continues) Now, pause for a moment when your thumb reaches his perineum. (peaceful music continues) Change position and kneel on the side next to his bum. (peaceful music continues) Apply some oil on and around his perineum, and place and hold your thumb on his perineum. Breathe together. (peaceful music continues) Now, slowly make little circling movements with your thumb on and around the perineum. (peaceful music continues) Ask him if it's fine the way you do it, or if he wants it slower, faster, stronger, wider or smaller circles. Or perhaps he wants you to pulsate with your thumb, or even hold still sometimes. Make sure the man knows he can ask for what he prefers. (peaceful music continues) Keep making circles for the next five minutes. (ethereal music) Remind him, if necessary, that he can give you instructions. (ethereal music continues) You can also use your index and middle finger if your hand gets tired, or you want to use different variations. If you need to change position, please do so. (ethereal music continues) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music continues) (gentle piano music continues) (gentle piano music continues) (gentle piano music continues) Slowly take your hands off his body. (serene music) - [Instructor] Sit on your knees next to your partner. Lay your palm on your partner's chest and connect and breathe and sink with each other. Inhale and exhale together. Put a massage oil on your hands and massage her belly and ribs. Gently push and pull down the sides. Place your hands on her belly and with a very light airy touch, make clockwise circles. Both you and your partner breathe deeply and slowly. Now make your touch more firm. Now speed up your movements making it more fiery and activating more energy. Take your hands off in one fast movement and breathe together. Drumming on the middle of her chest to activate the hearts, gentle but firm. Invite your partner to make a sound while examining. Take your hands off in one fast powerful movement. Drum on her pubic bone. Your partner does not have to make a sound while exhaling now. Take your hands off in one fast movement. Change position. Sit behind your partner's head placing a knee on each side of their head. Put some oil on your hands. Spread the oil over shoulders, neck, arms and hands. Also spread the oil on her chest down to her pubic bone and on her sides. Put some more oil on your hands and place them on top of each other on the middle of her chest, on her heart. Breathe together. On her out breath, start down towards the pubic bone, then over hip to the sides and back up over the sides to her shoulders. Turn your hands so your palms cup her shoulders and then slide your hands towards your neck. Turn your hands again massaging your neck muscles with the back of your hands and slide your hands back towards the shoulders and then back to the middle of the chest. Wait for her out breath before stroking down towards the pubic bone, down to the pubic bone, to the sides and back up towards the shoulders, turn your hands on the shoulder towards her neck, turn your hands again, towards her shoulders and back to the middle of her chest. With the out breath, go back down to her pubic bone. Now with your last down strokes, go beyond her pubic bone until her upper legs. Now slow down and come to rest with your hands on your heart in the middle of her chest. Breathe together. Gently, take your hands off her and continue to breathe together. Change position. Sit on her left side, your knees facing towards her head and her arm resting between your legs. Put some oil on your hands. Stroke her wrists with your thumbs three times. Gently pick up her hand and firmly but slowly massage the palm of her hand with your thumbs. Strongly pull down the sides of every finger. Squeeze with your thumb and index finger between the bones of every finger and pull down starting at the palm area. Now strongly pull down the up and downside of every finger and squeezed the fingernail. Put her arm and hand down. Gently press with one hand on the palm. With your other hand, massage your arm. Go up on the inside and down on the outside. Start with massaging just a lower arm and move a little higher with every new stroke. When you reach her armpit, gently press in with the palm of your hand in her armpit. Hold this for a few seconds and then go back down on the outside of her arm. With the next stroke, press in little harder, hold a little bit longer. And with the last two strokes, firmly press the palm of your hand in her armpit and hold a bit longer. Change position. Kneel next to the side of her head. Stroke three times over the left chest muscle, starting from the shoulder bone, around the breast and down the ribs, Press firmly on the muscle, but not on the ribs. Change position. Kneel next to her right side, knees facing her head and her arm resting between your legs. Stroke her wrists with your thumbs three times. Gently pick up her hands and firmly but slowly massage the palm of her hand with your thumbs. Strongly pull down the sides of every finger. Squeeze with your thumb and index finger between the bones of every finger and pull down starting at the palm area. Now strongly pull down the up and downside of every finger and squeeze the fingernail. Put her arm and hand down and gently press with one hand on the palm. With your other hand, massage her arm. Go up on the inside and down on the outside. Start with massaging just a lower arm and move a little higher with every new stroke. When you reach her armpit, gently pressing with a palm of your hand in her armpit and hold this for a few seconds then go back down on the outside of her arm. And with next strokes, press in a little harder every time and hold a little bit longer. Change position. Kneel next to the right side of her head. Stroke three times of the right chest muscle starting from the shoulder bone, around the breast and down the ribs. With your index and middle fingers, make clockwise circles in the middle of her chest. Make your circles a little wider as you go. Now go around the breasts, not touching the nipples. Now make the circle smaller again, your touch becoming lighter and lighter. Your touch becomes lighter and lighter until you are not touching her anymore. Change position. Sit behind her, placing a knee on each side of her head. Put some oil on your hands. Spread the oil on the chest, down to her pubic bone, on her inner thighs and also on the genital and her peroneum. Also apply on her belly, shoulders and neck and on her sides. Rest your hands on the middle of her chest and breathe together. On the out breath, start down towards the pubic bone, over her hips and along the sides up to the armpits. Use your full hands while doing this. Stroke over her shoulders, turn your hands and stroke her neck with the back of your hands. Then turn your hands again, slide over the shoulders with your palms and then back to the middle of the chest and wait for her out breath before stroking towards the pubic bone again. So down towards the pubic bone, her hips and along the sides, up to the armpits, over the shoulders to her neck and then back to the middle of the chest. Now start down until the inside of her legs not touching the genitals. With every downward stroke, go down little more on her inner thighs moving closer to the genitals and towards her perineum. End this last stroke by resting your hands in the middle of her chest, over the heart, and breathe together. Now gently take your hands off her body and place them on your thighs. Support her with your right hand and with the fingers of your left hand, reach under her shoulders as far as you can and then slowly pull your hand up over her shoulders and neck. Hook your fingers in the back using her weight to make this firm stroke. Now support her head with your left hand and reach with the fingers of your right hand under her shoulders, hooking your fingers in the back and slowly in firmly, pull your hand up over her shoulders and neck. Now put both your palms on the top of her head with your two thumbs in the middle of her head. Stay here for a few seconds. Change position. Kneel between her legs. Lift her legs and lean back, stretching her legs a little. Pull with your body weight and not with your arms Breathe together. And gently place her legs back down as wide as you need in order to apply oil on the inside and outside of her legs and also on the genitals. No massage movements yet, just applying the oil. Stroke from the feet upwards on the inside of the lower legs to the knee, then slide over the knees and then back down the outside of the lower legs. With every new stroke, move more upwards, including the upper legs. Your intention becomes more sexual now, so you can focus some energy on the genitals. Stroke all the way up until the genitals. Your thumbs sliding over the inside of her legs. Slide over the hips and back down on the outside of the legs. During the upward stroke, your thumbs gently slide between the labia. Move your whole upper body while stroking up and down and remember to breath. Stroke down your legs and feet this last time, then take your hands off. Change position. Kneel next to her. With your thumb, make little circling movements on or around the clitoris. Ask her if it's fine the way you do it or if she wants it slower, faster, wider or smaller circles. Keep making circles for the next five minutes. Remind your partner if necessary that she can give you instructions. Breathe together. Now cup her genitals with the palm of your hand. If your partner has her eyes closed, ask her to open them so you can look each other in the eyes. Change position. Get up to do one last stroke. Use your full hands and with a strong touch, stroke from her feet upwards on the inside of her legs, over the hips, upwards over the sides of her body, down on the inside of her arms, up on the outside of her arms, over the shoulders and down the middle of her chest, over the hips and down on the outside of the legs. So up on the inside of the legs, up the sides of her body, down on the inside of her arms, up on the outside of her arms, over the shoulders, down through the middle of the chest and down on the outside of the legs. Now take your hands off her body and breath together.