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Massage des Seins cours en ligne:
Libère le Pouvoir Émotionnel et Sexuel de ses Seins

Jaya Shivani
Éducatrice en Sensualité
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A propos de ce cours

Les tétons peuvent être une zone érogène ultra-sensible et méritent autant d'attention que la vulve ! Accède à de nouvelles profondeurs de plaisir avec le cours Massage des Seins, grâce à des vidéo et des tutoriels étape par étape.

Ce que tu vas apprendre

  1. Les meilleures pratiques pour préparer et créer l'environnement adéquat
  2. Techniques pour guider l'énergie autour de la poitrine
  3. Techniques de massage des seins et des tétons
  4. Comment conclure une séance de massage des seins

Suivre ce cours et bien d'autres

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Jaya Shivani

Éducatrice en Sensualité

Jaya Shivani est Coach en Sexualité Consciente et en Relations, travaillant sur divers aspects liés au corps, à l'esprit et aux émotions. Sa passion est de partager avec les autres les merveilleux cadeaux qu'elle a découverts sur son propre chemin.

Plus de cet instructeur


Durée totale:
0-30 min
  1. 1. Aperçu du cours
  2. 2. Comment te préparer pour un massage des seins
  3. 3. Préparation pour le massage des seins
  4. 4. Flux d'énergie
  5. 5. Guide d'énergie
  6. 6. Les tétons 
  7. 7. Techniques de massage des seins et des tétons
  8. 8. Se calmer
  9. 9. Mots de fin

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Welcome to the sensual touch breast massage video course. This massage is tailored to open breast massage for women. It will help to open up the energy in the breast area and to rise the body sensitivity. We will make each movement 36 times, so that she has time to feel deeply each moment. Ask your partner to lie on her back and sit by her head, pour some oil on your hands and oil in the breasts and the chest area. Place your left hand on the side of the left breast and guide energy with the right hand, from the heart towards the nipple. Place your right hand on the side of the right breast and hold. With your left hand, guide energy from the heart towards the nipple. Place your hand on the side of the breasts, and make a vibrating movement. Here you can silently count to 36. (gentle upbeat music) Add oil. (gentle upbeat music) Guide energy from the heart with the left-hand towards the nipple, and from the nipple with the right hand down along the side of the breasts. (gentle upbeat music) With your right hand guide the energy up from the side of the breast until the nipple, and with the left-hand guide energy from the other side of the nipple towards the heart. (gentle upbeat music) (gentle upbeat continues) With the right hand guide the energy up from the side of the breast until the nipple, and with your left hand, guide energy from the other side of the nipple towards the heart. (gentle upbeat music) With your left hand, guide energy from the heart towards the nipple, and with the right hand guide the energy from the nipple down along the side of the breast. (gentle upbeat continues) (gentle upbeat continues) (gentle music) - [Instructor] Add some oil. Place your hands on the breast so that the nipple touches the center of your palm. Now start making circular movements outwards. Change the direction and make circular moments inwards 36 times. Place your hand so that the center of your palm touches gently the nipple and make circles outward. With the same movement, make circles also inward. Add oil and place your hands on the breasts so that the center of your palm is touching the nipple. Start sliding one hand up and the other down. Add oil and place your hands on the breasts so that the center of your palm is touching the nipple. Slide your hands up and down. Place your hands on the breasts so that the center of your palm is gently touching the nipple, and make vibrating movements with both hands. Place your fingers on the breast, making a five to seven centimeter circle and make vibrating movements. Take the nipples between your thumb and your index finger. Start massaging the nipples and at the same time make outward circles. Make inward circles. Hold the nipples between your thumb, index and middle finger and make a vibrating movement. Hold the breasts with both hands and lift the breasts upward. Repeat with the other breast. - [Narrator] Place your hand on the breast and start massaging the heart center with your thumbs, making outward circles. Here, please do not do inward circles. (gentle music) Place your hands on the breasts, inhale through the nose and while exhaling, visualize energy going in through your right hand into the right breast and from there, to the left breast, inhale through the nose again, and visualize the energy from the left breast, going up along your left hand and going through your heart, back into a right arm, making a circle. This is good for ending the massage and balancing the energy. Repeat this a few times. Place your right hand on the heart center and your left on top of the right. Breathe deeply and guide energy with your breath into the heart center, let your partner have a rest.

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