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A propos de ce cours

Redécouvre l’art de la fellation ! Explore les secrets d’une fellation inoubliable grâce aux conseils d’expert·e·s, aux tutoriels vidéos et aux exercices pratiques de ce cours de Beducated.

Ce que tu vas apprendre

  1. Neuf techniques pour offrir une fellation exceptionnelle
  2. Pourquoi la respiration est essentielle pour réussir la gorge profonde en toute sérénité
  3. Ce qu’il te faut pour préparer ton espace et ton esprit
  4. Maîtrise l’art de la fellation avec un dildo, un concombre ou une banane : guide pratique

Suivre ce cours et bien d'autres

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Pour tous. Célibataires, couples, tous les genres et toutes les orientations.



Spécialistes en Bonheur Sexuel

Les productions Beducated Originals combinent les dernières recherches et l'éducation sexuelle moderne pour adultes avec des pratiques traditionnelles bien établies. La plateforme vise à briser les tabous autour de la sexualité une fois pour toutes et à promouvoir une société ouverte.

Plus de cet instructeur


Durée totale:
30-60 min
  1. 1. Commençons
  2. 2. Prépare ton espace et ton esprit
  3. 3. Comment faire une fellation inoubliable
  4. 4. Comment finir la fellation
  5. 5. Prépare-toi à ta meilleure fellation
  6. 6. Bibliothèque de Techniques de Fellation

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Welcome to this Beducated online course. My name is Mariah Freya and I'm the co-founder of Beducated. Together, we're going to explore one of the tastiest items on the bedroom menu: oral sex. With this course, we want you to gain more confidence in your oral-giving skills. We want you to develop deeper intimacy with your partner. And we want you to be able to relax and enjoy yourself while receiving. How will you learn all this? First of all, we'll provide you with excellent mindset and communication strategies. We'll also cover basic and advanced techniques that will blow your partner's mind. In another video, you'll be able to practice all of that without a partner and get ready for your next date night. To level up your love play even more, check our worksheets and our Techniques Library. We're so delighted to be on this journey with you. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our Beducated support team. We also invite you to join our online community. There you'll be able to connect with like-minded sexual explorers just like yourself. Now let's dive right in and explore a few facts about oral sex. Narrator: You may wonder whether oral is really that important, and it's a fair question. Studies have shown that oral sex actually has the power to make or break relationships. The more a couple practices it, the better both partners perceive their connection to be. The benefits aren't just physical. They're emotional too. Oral sex brings the most public area of the body, our face, together with the most private, our genitals. Getting up-close and personal with a partner's sexual center is a fail-safe way to boost intimacy. We'd like to mention some important points to start you off on the right track. First and foremost, safety. Narrator: Some people believe oral is safer than other sex acts. The truth is many sexually-transmitted infections can spread through oral sex too. We encourage you and your partner to get tested before practicing unprotected. The techniques in this course are largely intended to use in monogamous relationships or with people you know well and trust. If you wanna use protection, more power to you. There are oral-friendly condoms out there for blowjobs. Also, make sure that your nails are smooth and clean. Use a nail file to smooth down any rough edges. Taking a bath or shower can go a long way to ease worries about cleanliness. It also shows your partner that you want them to enjoy giving. Let's talk about mindset next. Whether you're giving or receiving, a great blowjob is all about enthusiasm. As the giver, you'll have more fun if you're present and relaxed during the deed. Let go of perfectionism and fear of judgment. A blowjob begins outside the bedroom. You can build excitement by teasing and seducing your partner, by talking about what you plan to do to them later. Narrator: Once you're in the bedroom or location of your choice, start by caressing and kissing your partner's pleasure center, the genital area. Look forward to your partner's unique and addictive flavor. (gentle music) When you taste their precum, it means you're on the right track. There's no ideal or correct way for a penis to look. By embracing your partner's body as is, you'll be setting them up for a much better experience. An honest compliment can go a long way. (people cheering) Once the receiver is fully aroused, spread the sensations by moving outward with your touches. This will send pleasure radiating up and throughout their entire body. Keep in mind that one consistent sensation can get boring or even painful. Experiment with rhythm, speed, and intensity throughout the process. Many pressure to come can make it impossible for receivers to enjoy themselves. Make it your goal to pleasure your partner rather than focusing too much on their orgasm. Now let's talk about receiving. Though it may seem simple, enjoying oral requires vulnerability. Letting go of worries about your body or pressure to come is crucial. If your partner wants to go down on you, it means they find you attractive and your pleasure is important to them. There's no need to rush, perform, or do anything for your partner in return. Savor your pleasure in whatever way feels natural to you. What's the best way to learn what your partner loves the most when you go down on them? Depending on their mood or the time of the day, the receiver will prefer different things. So communication is key to figure out what really turns your partner on. We recommend what we call alignment session every so often. For example, every fifth blowjob. During a session, the receiver gives clear directions to the giver on how to meet their desires about techniques, intensity, and speed. The giver can apply this feedback in action and has the chance to boost their skills immediately. Alignment sessions create a dedicated space for judgment-free sharing and improvement. And, at the same time, you'll still have plenty of other chances to enjoy oral without talking through techniques. So give it a try so you can keep learning and growing together. Now sit back and relax and get ready for this delicious adventure. (bright music) Narrator: In this video we'll introduce both basic and advanced blowjob techniques to level up your oral giving skills. To prepare, be sure to catch the previous video. First, let's talk about the best blowjob positions for maximum comfort and pleasure. Let's start with the classic. Have your partner lie on their back with their torso propped up so they can watch. Position yourself between their legs or to their side. Next up, the throne. Have your partner take a seat and kneel between his legs. This one is great for extended sessions. And let's not forget the 69 position and all its variations. This is actually great for positioning your mouth and throat in one straight line which can help with deepthroating it. Tell your partner to fully enjoy receiving and to not stimulate you at the same time. There are many more elaborate positions out there which we cover in our technique library. Don't forget to check them out later. Now, let's talk about some basic techniques. Mastering them will give you a solid basis for giving great blowjobs and learning more advanced techniques later on. First of all, there's the kiss. This is a great way to start a blowjob. Use the exact same technique you use to kiss your partner on the lips. (gentle music) Second, the classic in and out motion. You need lots of saliva for this one. Keep your mouth open and slide his penis in and out. Don't forget to wrap your lips over your teeth during the act. This will help you avoid painful slip-ups. There's also the suck. Wrap your lips around their shaft to form a seal and start sucking just like that. You'll create a vacuum that makes your cheeks and tongue rub up against the shaft. Your partner will love the extra stimulation. A funny one not to miss is the buzz. Make a strong buzzing sound with your lips vibrating all over the penis. Keep in mind that this natural vibrator can be quite loud, depending on your intensity level. (gentle music) Next, the lick. You can use long, juicy licks along his shaft with your flat tongue. (gentle music) You can also lick around the head of the penis in a circular motion. Number six is the blow. Of course, you don't wanna blow into the penis. For this technique you take the penis out of your mouth completely and blow on it. This makes for a nice cooling effect. Last, but not least, the nibble. Use your teeth very gently to tease your partner. You can for instance, nibble their balls or inner thighs for an extra turn on. Check in with your partner to make sure they actually enjoy this kind of stimulation. Now that you know the basics, let's continue with some advanced techniques. The glans, or head of the penis is our first area of focus. The head of the penis is the male equivalent of the clitoris. It's extremely sensitive and packed with delicious nerve endings. Circumcised penises can be a bit less sensitive. (gentle music) Try the acupressure tongue. Squeeze the shaft while working your tongue over the head of your partner's penis. Experiment with the pressure, movement and shape of your tongue. This creates delicious sensations and stimulates blood flow. The frenulum is our next focus. Stimulating this small fold of tissue on the underside of the glans can feel incredible. Try some of the basic techniques on the frenulum. First lick, run your tongue up and down the ridge at different speeds. (gentle music) Next suck. Slowly and gently change the intensity level. And finally, flick. Use the tip of your tongue to create an enticing flicking motion. Let's move on to the shaft, which is a great place to start a blowjob. It feels good, but isn't as sensitive as the head. One technique you can do here is the spiral. Take your partner's penis into your mouth while spiraling your tongue around their shaft. There's also the crossed prayer. Surround your partner's penis by crossing your fingers around it and slide them up and down while sucking their glans. A very popular technique is deepthroating. Only do it if you're comfortable controlling your gag reflex. Get your mouth and throat in a straight line. Inhale through your nose and take him in as deep as you comfortably can. Exhale slowly. After your next inhalation, hold your breath and work your way further down. Relax your throat to avoid triggering your gag reflex. Let's not forget the scrotum. While the balls aren't the main focus of a blowjob, they can be included for increased sensation. You can do the welcoming. Start with kissing and licking his balls, then sucking his balls inside your mouth and caressing them softly with your tongue. Going further down, there's the perineum. You can indirectly stimulate the prostate by putting pressure on this stretch of skin between the scrotum and the anus. Then try the perineum pulsation. Using your index, middle and ring fingers circle his perineum, pulsing deeply and release. Finally, you can combine these techniques for even more incredible sensations. (gentle music) If you want, you can add vibration. Keep in mind that vibrating toys can get the receiver off very quickly. Use them wisely. (gentle music) Also, let's not forget anal play. If it's desired grab some lube and explore their anus. You can touch the outside with a finger or a toy or go for full penetration. You might even try rimming, if you and your partner are up for that. Keep in mind to wash up before you move back to the penis to avoid infections. Now, you're equipped with the essential techniques for giving a great blowjob. For even more tantalizing tongue fun and oral geekery head over to the techniques library. (upbeat rhythmic music) Narrator: This video covers how to finish off a blowjob while making sure you both have a great experience. First, we'd like to remind you that ejaculation is not a must. At Beducated we believe in pleasure first and orgasm second. Of course, many receivers will certainly be looking forward to the big O. That's where edging comes in. Yeah. Narrator: Edging is where you take to the brink of orgasm and pause right before the point of no return. When your partner gets there. Slow down or gently come to a pause and give them a moment to cool down then come back for another round. Gradually building their arousal back up. If you're not sure how aroused they are, you can use the pleasure scale. Ask your partner on a scale of one to 10, how close they are to cumming. When you finally take them over the edge, after a few rounds of edging, your partner's likely to experience a more intense orgasm then they would have by ejaculating immediately. Now let's talk more about when to finish and how. If you know your partner well, you can probably tell when they're about to come. They may tense up, breathe more heavily, moan more loudly or begin to shudder. If you're not sure about their signs explore this together during your alignment sessions but then, how should you finish them off? Well, it's important not to overthink it. If one of the techniques or combinations we've presented in this course works well, stick to it. Keep your speed and intensity level consistent and enjoy as your partner pulsates in your mouth. It's important to remember that some penis-havers can't cum from blowjobs alone. Usually when this is the case, the feeling of being licked and sucked simply isn't enough simulation. In this case, they might quite literally need a hand. With a firm grip. Talking dirty and making eye contact can help increase intensity and erotism. Adding vibration, caressing their chest, inner thighs or anus may also help them get passed the tipping point. Finishing with your mouth alone will usually take a bit longer and require more endurance on your end. If you don't want them to cum in your mouth, you can use your hand to finish them off instead. Perhaps you'd like them to cum on the part of your body they like best. If your partner doesn't end up cumming, it's better to ease up than pressure or over stimulate them. Slow down, switch techniques or simply try again later when they're up for it. No biggie. Also, if you do want your partner to cum in your mouth, do you wanna swallow or not? If it's a clear yes, that's great. It's perfectly healthy to swallow. Please, only do it if you really like to. No receiver wants you to feel disgusted. If it's a no, that's fine. It's not everyone's cup of tea. Share this with your partner respectfully. You can then simply walk to the bathroom, spit it out and then wash your mouth out. By the way, how cum tastes can be influenced by diet and lifestyle. If your partner drinks lots of coffee or beer, their cum might have a bitter taste. If you or your partner are interested in changing this, eating fruit and drinking plenty of water can make a big difference. Keep in mind that after your partner ejaculates, their penis will become very sensitive. Make sure to stop when the time is right. Give them and yourself some time to rest. That's it, you've learned how to orchestrate a magical blowjob grand finale. Give these strategies a try and see what works best in your bedroom. Enjoy. (bouncy upbeat music) (upbeat electronic music) Instructor: Get ready for some tongue training. With this video, you'll have a chance to practice the techniques you've learned without a partner. By practicing these methods two to three times a week, you'll be a blowjob master in no time. Now grab your favorite dildo or a carved cucumber and refine your head-giving skills with us. Let's start with our warm-up exercises. First relax your jaw by gently massaging it with the palms of your hands. (upbeat drumming) Yawn a few times for a good stretch. (yawning) Lip strengtheners are also great. Shape your lips into a small circle exposing as much of the inner wetness of your lips as possible. Make a quiet oh sound and hold it for five seconds. Then open up and say ah softly for another five. Repeat this three times. You can also work on your Flicking Technique. Open your mouth and move your tongue up and down, try speeding up. Try 30 seconds and pause. Then repeat this for another round. Now let's practice the basic techniques. First off, there's The Kiss. Give your prop a nice and juicy kiss. Use the exact same technique you'd use to kiss your partner on the lips. Second, the classic In-and-Out Motion. You'll need lots of saliva for this one. Keep your mouth open and slide your prop in and out. Don't forget to wrap your lips over your teeth during the act. This will help you avoid painful slip-ups. There's also The Suck. Wrap your lips around the prop to form a seal and start sucking. You can play with your tongue too while sucking. Let's now move onto The Buzz. Make a strong buzzing sound with your lips vibrating all over your prop. (buzzing) Next, The Lick. You can use long juicy licks along the prop with your flat tongue. (upbeat drumming) Now try licking around the tip of the prop in a circular motion. Number six is The Blow. For this technique, take your prop out of your mouth completely and blow on it to create a cooling sensation. Last but not least, The Nibble. Use your teeth very gently to nipple on your prop. Now let's give some truly memorable head to our little friend. Start with the Acupressure Tongue. Squeeze the shaft while working your tongue over the head of your prop. Experiment with the pressure, movement, and shape of your tongue. Now, let's try the frenulum moves. If your prop doesn't have a frenulum, just imagine where it would be. First, lick, run your tongue up and down the ridge at different speeds. Then suck, slowly and gently change the intensity level. Flick, use the tip of your tongue to create a flicking motion. Next, try The Spiral. Take your prop into your mouth while spiraling your tongue around its shaft. For extra fun, try humming to provide extra stimulation. (humming) Although it's not necessary to deepthroat to give a great blowjob, it's certainly a skill worth learning. Breathe through your nose and relax your jaw. Practice deepthroating by placing your prop at the back of your throat and keeping it there. Try it for 10 seconds. (upbeat drumming) Then pause. And do it again. If you wanna go further with this practice, try moving the prop around slowly. When you can do this without gagging, you'll know you're ready to deepthroat. Remember, no one is a born blowjob master so take your time and don't be hard on yourself. Also, check out our techniques library for other great techniques. This concludes our blowjob section. Thank you for watching and following along. We hope you enjoy trying all these delicious techniques with your partner.

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