Sobre este curso
Lo que vas a aprender
- Explora formas de conectar con tu cuerpo a través del movimiento y la respiración
- Aprende nuevas prácticas para ver porno de manera saludable
- Explora prácticas eróticas para masturbarte viendo porno
- Aprende nuevas técnicas de autoexcitación
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Resultados rápidos e instrucciones sencillas.
Para todos. Solteros, parejas, todos los géneros y orientaciones.
Tu instructor

Joseph Kramer
Sexólogo y Educador Sexual
Únete a Joseph Kramer, Fundador y Pionero del Sexological Bodywork, en su misión por mejorar tu experiencia erótica. A través de un trabajo de respiración, movimiento y masaje erótico, Joseph profundiza en el camino del autodescubrimiento y el empoderamiento sexual.
Más de este instructorLecciones y clases
- 1. Ponte de Pie y Muévete
- 2. Péndulo
- 3. Expresa tu Intención
- 4. Respira y Gime
- 5. Sacude
- 6. Tocar el Torso
- 7. Distintos Estilos
- 8. Arousal Sin Manos
- 9. Escaneo Corporal
- 10. Orgasmo Aquí y Ahora
- 11. Placer del Corazón
- 12. Saboreo Silencioso
- 13. Continuar tu Práctica
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Well, look away from the porn, maybe close my eyes, and do another checking. Just connecting with my body. Being aware of what I'm doing right now. I'm like, "Okay, I'm doing a practice where I'm... pleasuring myself." To connect with myself, I have my attention. Just really noticing what's... I'm in this room, I'm with this computer, I'm with the video camera just sort of arriving with my mind too, and then I go back to the porn. My intention for this session is to get into standing up and to enjoy and express the pendulum and just to play and be free and be loose with it all. Today I'm going to try and practice letting more voice out than I normally would do. So I'm gonna put attention on that. All right. My intention today is to really relax into my belly and feel that fullness of arousal, and then bring that energy up. My intention today is to have more movement in my practice, wherever I can, play with all parts of my body, to really feel sexy and, you know, just to enjoy, just to really enjoy the feelings. Yeah, like today I want to celebrate my body. I want to celebrate the person that I am. And I want to watch porn that's turning me on and feels good to me, because there's so much good porn out there. It's August 8th, and my intention today is to connect to myself. (sighing) - I'm scanning through making sure I haven't left anything out. Nothing's dropped out, if it has, just folding it back in. So it's really a whole orchestra of body parts playing together. And then I'm gonna go to my chest and like the front body, kind of collarbones, sternum, shoulders, front of the shoulders. I don't usually pay attention to that part of my body as I'm having a erotic experience. And it's very erotic this part, wow. It's like really opened up something new. (sighing) And then I'm gonna go to my scapula. Scapulae. My upper back and the backs of my shoulders, and down my arms. Elbows and forearms, and hands. I just feel like my energy or sensation focused around my dick, so I'm just gonna. (sighing) Bring it up with my, and feeling a little bit more absent, empty in my front of my body. My body feels pretty connected. So just bringing this part back in with my awareness and maybe even like movement like this is helpful, touch and just, not even necessarily touch, but I don't know what I'm doing. Just bringing awareness here, and neck and head It's very different, very different. I'm at a six for sure. And the back of my skull is now in the picture and I feel it's a very different kind of arousal. It's slower. I don't know how to describe it. Slower, more aware. Somehow adding that made it, something visually happened, deeper, went down from the back of my skull, down to kind of down the front of my spine and down the front of my sacrum. I saw this kind of dark black and navy blue like shoot, like shoot down, deep, deep down. Very different experience. Yeah, let's go to my jaw. I notice when I bring my jaw in, my perineum, pelvic floor tightens, my diaphragm tightens, my jaw tightens. There's something pleasurable about that sensation. But also feels blocked, I don't know. It's like a holding, but there's pleasure there, but it's also doesn't feel, like the flow is cut off. - So these past two months in these practices I feel like have really helped cultivate some new intimacy with myself and I'm really excited to feel, embody how that shows up with my partner and it's been really beautiful to feel the ways that it shows up and how I love her. My partner is a red head. When I'm not watching videos of her, I'm mostly watching videos of like brown skin men and red-headed women. It feels really sweet to have been really enjoying looking at other people make love and to come to this place of really dropping into myself and unquestionably wanting to be with my beloved like that. Switch to my beloved. I talked about before, I think maybe practice session three where I was watching the video of my beloved, how much more sensitive I was when I was open to the love that we share. So it was beautiful to see that dynamic in myself of the ways in which of course, when I have less access to myself, I have less access to others. As soon as I dropped into myself there's more accessibility to simplicity, to something that has less information to maybe less stimulation on a visual level, but has way more information and stimulation on a heart level and therefore on a body level or a energetic level.