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What You Will Learn
- Habilidades para principiantes
- Consejos para crear un ambiente perfecto
- Consejos para liberar la tensión de la cabeza a los pies
- Técnicas de masaje que abordan áreas específicas del cuerpo
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Para todos. Solteros, parejas, todos los géneros y orientaciones.
Tu instructor

Jaya Shivani
Educadora de la Sensualidad
Jaya Shivani es Coach de Sexualidad y Relaciones Conscientes, y trabaja con personas en diversas áreas que abarcan su cuerpo, su mente y sus emociones. Su pasión es compartir con los demás los hermosos dones que ha descubierto en su propio camino.
Más de este instructorLecciones y clases
- 1. Introducción a Este Curso
- 2. Cómo Prepararse para un Masaje Sensual
- 3. Cómo Comenzar el Masaje
- 4. Técnicas Simples
- 5. Masaje de Espalda y Brazos
- 6. Masaje de Piernas y Pies
- 7. Masaje de la Parte Frontal del Cuerpo
- 8. Masaje de Cuerpo Completo
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This full body massage is tailored to prepare the body for the sensual genital massage, and to open up the body sensitivity and awaken the energy. This massage can be done the same way on men and women. Stand by the legs of your partner. Start walking up along the body with your left and right hand. Push outwards, alternating with the hands and the pressure. Skip behind the knees. Use deeper pressure on the buttocks area and walk up and down on the buttocks a few times. Use deeper pressure on the lower back, pressing left and right a few times in a row. When reaching the shoulder blade area, turn your fingers facing the head and push over to the head, not left and right. Grab behind the shoulders and lift and pull towards yourself. Squeeze the shoulders. Go back down the same way. Rock a little bit the lower back, this helps to release it even more. Skip the back of the knees. Press the thumb and the index finger deeply into the ankles and rock the body up and down. Points on the ankle are kidney points, so they also stimulate life energy and sexual energy. Move to the left side of your partner. Lift the towel from the back. Place her hands on the towel. Start gently caressing the sacrum area. This will start to activate the sexual energy. Make a fire-making movement on the sacrum area, activating the energy in the lower energy centers. Place your right hand on the sacrum and the left hand on the neck area. Hold your hands and guide the energy through the hands into the body. Breathe out through the mouth and imagine energy flowing down through your right hand, going into your partner's sacral area, then traveling up along the spine, and when you breathe in through the nose, the energy goes into your left hand and from there to your partner's throat chakra that governs the energy body. Hold for some time and repeat the energy circle a few times. Repeat the fire-making movement in the neck bone area. Place your right hand again on the sacrum and the left hand on the neck bone. Rock the body back and forth, and then start making circles on the skin with your hands so that the palms are in full contact all the time, and make outward circles with both hands. Find the small hollow points on the skin on both sides of the spine. Press gently in with your thumbs and breath out at the same time through the mouth, guiding energy to this point. Move your thumbs out about two centimeters on the same line. Find hollow points again and repeat. Move your thumbs another two centimeters outwards on the same line and repeat. These points are good for activating the energy in the sacrum area. Stand by the head of your partner. With your right hand, start coming up along the points on both side of the spine, finding hollow points again, and pressing in gently with your index and middle finger. At each point, stop and breathe out through the mouth and guide energy through the points. Along the spine runs our main energy channel, and it is very important that our spine is open and free so energy can move easily. Place your thumbs on the hairline on the neck so that the spine is between the thumbs, and press in gently, finding hollow points and breathing out. Place your index fingers on the neck along the hairline a bit further on the next points, and press deeply while breathing out. Place your middle fingers on the neck along the hairline, a bit more further towards the ears, and press deeply into the next points while breathing out. Oil in the back and the arms. Make sure the oil is nice and warm. Always put the oil first on the hands and then on the body. Make sure you put enough oil, this is not a sports massage, so we're using more oil. (relaxing ambient music) (music fades) - [Narrator] Put the oil aside and stand on the left side of your partner's body and start massaging the right shoulder, slide with both hands in turns over the shoulder towards the neck and also massaging the neck at the same time deeply. (soft music) Move to the right side of your partner and massage the left shoulder and the neck the same way. (soft music) Stand by your partner's head and place your hands on both sides of the spine on the back and start sliding with your hands along the muscles next to the spine. Use pressure here. (soft music) Then slide up along the sides of the body and turn hands over the shoulders. (soft music) Repeat the same movement three times. (soft music) Place your hands in the prayer position and start sliding down along the spine. Start sliding back and forth along the muscles next to the spine by going forth a few centimeters and then slide back again going deep into the neck, then go forth again a little further and come back again. Step-by-step, go towards the sacrum area until you reach the sacrum, then slide back and forth a few times along the whole spine length. (soft music) Massage the back coming up along the sides with circular movements. (soft music) Find hollow points in the shoulder blade area and the back and press in deeply while breathing out at the same time. (soft music) Move to left side of your partner and start massaging the opposite side or your partner's right side. Place both hands on the right side and start sliding your hands back and forth, going up along the body until the shoulder, and come down the same way. Repeat this movement five times. (soft music) Place your left hand on top of the right and slide up along the side and come down along the muscle next to the spine. Repeat this movement four times. (soft music) Keep your left hand on top of the right hand and start coming up along the body with circular movements. (soft music) On the shoulder blade area, make deep circles and then go back down the same way. (soft music) Place your hands next to each other and slide up along the muscle next to the spine and down along the side. (soft music) Place your hands next to the spine on the back of the heart area and slide with one hand towards the sacrum and with the other towards the shoulder. Move to the right side of your partner and place your hands on the right side, the left hand on top of the right, place your hands few centimeters from the spine and slide up along the side till the shoulder and slide down along the arm. (soft music) Place your hands on the side and slide up till the shoulder and go down along the arm. Massage the right side with upward sliding movements. (soft music) Slide down along the arm. (soft music) Place your hands on the same side you were massaging just now on the right side in the back of the heart area, and again with three sliding movements, massage the whole side. Place your hands on the left side of your partner's body and start massaging with sliding movements up and down along that side. Repeat that movement five times. (soft music) Place your left hand on top of the right and slide up and come down along the muscle next to the spine. (soft music) Keep your left hand on top of the right hand and start coming up along that side with circular movements. (soft music) On the shoulder blade area, make a few deep circles and then go back down. (soft music) Place your hands side by side on the body and slide up and down a few times. (soft music) Place your hands next to the spine on the back of the heart area and slide with one hand towards the sacrum and with the other towards the shoulder. (soft music) Place your hands about two centimeters from the spine on the same line and repeat the movement. (soft music) Move to the left side of your partner and place your hands on their left side, left hand on top of the right, fingers pointing towards the head and slide up along the muscle next to the spine, and slide down along the arm. (soft music) Place your hands a few centimeters from the spine and slide up along the side till the shoulder. (soft music) And slide down along the arm. (soft music) Place your hands on the same side you were massaging just now or the right side in the back of the heart area. And again, with three sliding movements, massage the left side. (soft music) Place your right hand on the right side of your partner's body and the left hand on the left side and with back and forth movements, unite the left and the right side again going upwards. With the same movement, come back down. (soft music) Start coming up making circular movements with your thumbs next to the spine like drawing palm tree leaves. (soft music) - [Narrator] Stand by your partner's head and place your hands on both sides of the spine. Start walking forth along the back, alternating with pressure from one hand to the other. (gentle music) In the kidney area, release the pressure and slide up along the sides. Keep your hands in contact with the skin at all times. Place your index and middle finger on both sides of the spine and slide up and down deeply a few times. With circular movements, massage the back. Move to the left side of your partner. Start massaging the shoulder blade area with circular movements. Massage the Delta muscle on the upper side of the arm, just below the shoulder with circular movements. Masada triceps and the biceps with both hands. Massage the arm from the elbow till the wrist, sliding movement using both hands. Make sure that your partner's fingers move, then you know that the pressure is right. Massage the triceps and the biceps again with sliding movements upwards with both hands. Place one hand about the elbow and the other below the elbow. Now lean in on the hand using your body weight. One hand moves towards the wrist. The other towards the shoulder. Slide down along the arm towards the palm. Start massaging the palm with your thumbs. You may also use here your knuckles for an even deeper massage. Massage each finger with two movements. Caress the whole arm with gentle movements. Move to the right side of your partner, start massaging the shoulder blade area with circular movements deeply. Massage the Delta muscle on the upper side of the arm, just below the shoulder with circular movements. Massage the triceps and the biceps with both hands. Massage the arm from the elbow till the breast, sliding movement, using both hands. Make sure that your partner's fingers move, then you know that the pressure is right. Massage the triceps and the biceps again with upward sliding movements with both hands. Place one hand above the elbow and the other below the elbow. Using your body weight, lean in on the hand. One hand moves towards the wrist, the other towards the shoulder. Slide down along the arm towards the palm. Massage each finger with two movements. Caress the whole arm with gentle movements. Stand by the head of your partner and start caressing the back and the arms gently with fingertips, awakening the body's sensitivity. Move to the left side of your partner and caress only the left side and left hand. Place your thumb on the pressure point on the left arm. And with the other hand, pinch strongly each fingertip. Find the pressure point below the thumb and press in deeply from both sides with your thumb and index finger. Find the pressure point on the skin between the thumb and index finger and press deeply. Find pressure points on both sides of the wrist and press deeply. Move to the right side of your partner and caress only the right side and the right hand. Place your thumb on the pressure point on the right arm. And with the other hand, pinch strongly each fingertip. Find the pressure point below the thumb and press in deeply from both sides with your thumb and index finger. Find the pressure point on the skin between the thumb and the index finger and press deeply. Find pressure points on both sides of the wrist and press deeply. Stand by the head of your partner and find a hollow point just on the edge of the skull on the hairline. Press that point deeply, but not too strong. Start going down along the points on the spine with your thumb between the vertebra's. Press each point deeply, breathing out at the same time on each point. Start coming up along the pressure points next to the spine, using your thumb and index finger. These points are approximately two centimeters from the spine on both sides. Press again on the point below the skull, gathering energy there. With circular movements, massage the back and slide down along the arms. (gentle music) - [Instructor] Oil in the left leg and the buttocks. Move to the right side of your partner's body and start massaging left buttocks with circular movements. Place both hands on the leg and slide down along the leg. Move to the right side of the body. Slide upwards along the thigh and over the buttocks deeply, alternating with both hands. Repeat the same movement, but now use the back of your hand. Place your hands next to each other, and slide up and down along the thigh and the buttocks. Massage only the thigh with deep upward movements with both hands. Caress with gentle circular moments the back of the knee. No pressure here. With gentle caressing movement, slide over the calf. Sit next to your partner and lift up their leg and place it against your body. Put your hands around the leg, crossing your fingers. With circular movements going towards the knee, massage the calf and then slide back up along the sides of the calf and go down again. Slide down along the lines on the calf, pressing in deeply with your fingers. Start massaging the ankle deeply. Find pressure points on both sides of the ankle and press and hold. Massage the sole of the foot. Massage the front side of the foot and between the toes. Stand next to your partner and pinch each toe. Make sure the knee is on a 45 degree angle, and bend the foot first towards the ceiling, and then towards the floor. Place the leg back down. Cover it with a towel or a sheet, and come down along the center of the foot with your thumbs. Place the left hand under the foot, and with your right hand, bend the foot. Oil in the right leg and the buttocks. Move to the right side of your partner and start massaging the left buttocks with circular movements. Place both hands on the leg and slide down and move to the right side of her body. Slide upwards along the thigh and over the buttocks deeply with both hands. Repeat the same movement, but now use the back of your hand. Place your hands next to each other and slide up and down along the thigh and the buttocks. Massage only the thigh with deep upward movements with both hands. Caress with gentle circular moments the back of the knee. With gentle caressing movement, slide over the calf. Sit next to your partner and lift up their leg and place it against your body. Place your hands around the leg, crossing your fingers. With circular movements going towards the knee, massage the calf and then slide back up along the sides of the calf and go down again. Slide down along the lines on the calf, pressing in deeply with your fingers. Start massaging the ankle deeply. Find pressure points on both sides of the ankle and press and hold. Massage the sole of the foot. Massage the front side of the foot and between the toes. Stand up next to your partner and pinch each toe. Make sure the knee is on a 45 degree angle and bend the foot first towards the head, and then towards the floor. Place the leg back down. Cover it with a towel or a sheet, and come down along the center of the foot with your thumbs. Place the left hand under the foot, and with your right hand, bend the foot. Lift up the towel from the left leg and caress the whole leg gently with your fingertips. Lift up the towel from the right leg and caress the whole leg gently with your fingertips. Lift up the towel from the calves and caress over them gently with both hands. (gentle ethereal music) - [Narrator] Ask your partner to turn around. (gentle ethereal music continues) Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil on your palm and hold it in the front of your partner's nose and ask them to breathe deeply three times. Lift up the towel from the chest area, (gentle ethereal music continues) Caress gently over the face. (gentle ethereal music continues) Massage the chin area. (gentle ethereal music continues) Massage cheeks and the chin. (gentle ethereal music continues) Massage above the upper lip. (gentle ethereal music continues) Massage the cheeks and the chin again. (gentle ethereal music continues) Find the pressure point on the chin and press it with your thumb. (gentle ethereal music continues) Press the points on the corners of the lips. (gentle ethereal music continues) Press the point above the upper lip, on the tip of the nose, on the top of the bone on the nose, between the eyes, (gentle ethereal music continues) and in the middle of the forehead. Press the points along the eyebrows. (gentle ethereal music continues) Massage the forehead with your thumbs. (gentle ethereal music continues) Massage the temples with circular movements. (gentle ethereal music continues) Hold and press on the temples. (gentle ethereal music continues) Press the points on the earlobe (gentle ethereal music continues) and on the upper edge of the ears. (gentle ethereal music continues) Gently caress so with the face. (gentle ethereal music continues) Move to the right side of your partner and place your right hand on the pubic area and the left hand on the heart. Create a connection with the front side of the body. (gentle ethereal music continues) Remove the towel from the upper body (gentle ethereal music continues) and oiling the belly, the chest, the sides, and the arms. (gentle ethereal music continues) Start caressing the body gently with your fingertips to awaken the body sensuality. (gentle ethereal music continues) If you see goosebumps on the body, it means that the body is reacting to the touch and the energy is awakening. (gentle ethereal music continues) If your partner feels tickling, ask them to breathe through that until it disappears. This is a defense blockage on the body usually. (gentle ethereal music continues) Oiling the right leg and caress the leg also gently with your fingertips. (gentle ethereal music continues) Repeat the same with the left leg. (gentle ethereal music continues) Caress the front side of both calves three times. (gentle ethereal music continues) Now would be a good time to continue with the breast massage or with the genital massage.