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- Date-Night Planer für mehr als 25 Abende voller Fetisch-Spaß
- Techniken für Sinnesspiele, Rollenspiele, Fesselspiele und mehr
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Pleasure Mechanics
Somatische Sexualberaterinnen
Entdecke mit Charlotte und Chris von Pleasure Mechanics das Geheimnis sexueller Erfüllung. Die somatischen Sexualberaterinnen bieten dir vielseitige Ressourcen – von sexueller Fürsorge bis BDSM und Kink – um das ideale Sexleben zu kreieren.
Mehr von diesem CoachLektionen und Module
- 1. Willkommen an Bord!
- 2. Wie du diesen Kurs nutzt
- 3. Wie man eine Date-Night plant
- 4. Leitfaden für kinky Kommunikation
- 5. Wie man fantasieren kann
- 6. Planungsleitfaden für die Grundlagen des kinky Sex
- 7. Fantasie vs. Verlangen
- 8. Erotisches Energiespiel
- 9. Der erotische Austausch
- 10. Der erotische Rahmen
- 11. Dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl
- 12. Planungsleitfaden für das Sensation Play
- 13. Einkaufsführer für kinky Spielzeuge & Zubehör
- 14. Die Sensationsmatrix
- 15. Intensivierung von Empfindungen
- 16. Sensorische Deprivation
- 17. Die Grenze zwischen Schmerz und Vergnügen
- 18. Sensation-Play-Szene
- 19. Planungsleitfaden für das erotische Rollenspiel
- 20. Einstieg ins Rollenspiel
- 21. Sprich schmutzig mit mir
- 22. Einstieg ins erotische Rollenspiel
- 23. Tiefer ins erotische Rollenspiel eintauchen
- 24. Sex mit einem Fremden
- 25. Planungsleitfaden für das erotische Machtspiel
- 26. Dominanz & Unterwerfung
- 27. Verkörperung des erotischen Machtspiels
- 28. Erforschung des erotischen Machtspiels
- 29. Sicheres & sexy erotisches Bondage
- 30. Erotisches Machtspiel und Bondage-Date
- 31. 4 Alternativen zu Handschellen
- 32. Planungsleitfaden zur Erstellung deiner eigenen kinky Abenteuer
- 33. Rauer Sex & Verführung
- 34. Kinky Sexspiele
- 35. Erotischer Dienst
- 36. Erotische Trance
- 37. Wähle dein eigenes Abenteuer
- 38. Ultimativer Planer für eine kinky Sex-Date-Night
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In this video, Chris demonstrates some important skills to keep in mind, while using a blindfold. Once you have the blindfold in place, every action you take must be deliberate and mindful. Your lover is in a vulnerable state, and is now in your care, so take that responsibility seriously. Here Chris approaches the receiver slowly, using the sound of her boots on the floor, to give the receiver a point of sensory reference. When playing with the blindfold, your first touch is essential to set the tone of the scene. Use the whole hand melt technique, to slowly introduce your touch. Then use light or moderate pressure glides to create lots of skin to skin contact. This will turn their attention inward, and give them a chance to relax into your touch. Notice how Chris is using very firm pressure in her touch. This kind of pressure can be very reassuring and comforting while wearing a blindfold. It's a way of saying, relax I've got you, with your touch. One of the fun parts of using a blindfold is creating surprise and anticipation. You can also make your partner feel your presence, with a well-placed knee. By sliding her knee in between the receivers legs, Chris is making her presence known and introducing some arousing stimulation without shocking, direct touch. Remember if your lover is on a chair, make sure to maintain control of that chair and don't let it rock as this will make your partner feel unstable and unsafe. Use your body weight deliberately and intentionally at all times. With your full attention and care, you can create surprise and pleasure without startling or jolting your lover in an unpleasant way. One of the easiest ways to play with surprise is to get them accustomed to one sensation and then surprise them with a contrast. First, she uses the softness of a furr glove to create a smooth, comforting sensation, then quickly contrasts that softness, with the intense sharpness of Wartenberg wheel. Notice the surprise that comes with this contrast. By alternating two very different sensations, you capture your lover's attention and keep them guessing, contrast also helps keep the nerve endings alert and ready for new stimulation. (soft moaning) Doing the same thing over and over dulls the senses, contrast awakens the skin and keeps things interesting. You can also create contrast with toys and your hands. (soft moaning) A light feathery tickle creates a fascinating contrast, for deep penetrating funds using loose open fists and the back of the hand. Notice how Chris is keeping her hands relaxed, as she makes impact with the chest. This creates a nice heavy impact without risking injury. (heavy moaning) (heavy tapping) Stroking your lover's face is normally quite a tender act. And with a blindfold, it is even more intimate. Make this kind of touch very purposeful and deliberate, stroking the lips with an object and kissing are also intensified with a blindfold on. Your lover will feel you approach their face, with the heightened awareness that comes with shutting down the sense of sight. Giving the receiver something to hold in their mouth, demands that they say alert and pay attention. - That's what it is. Good girl. - [Narrator] Please only put pleasant, clean objects in their mouth, unless you have pre-negotiated otherwise. To add another layer of sensory deprivation, you can add earplugs to a blindfold scene. This will deepen the receiver's focus internally, when you first start to play with gags, make sure to use something that can easily be spit out if needed. Once you get used to playing with gags, you can explore toys specifically designed for this purpose. For now panties or a tie, make a good starter gag and have a bit of a naughty factor built in. Gags can be fun because they give you permission to make a bit of extra noise. When you introduce a new toy, you can either just surprise your lover with it altogether, or give them a chance to build anticipation, by stroking the toy against their skin before using it. This is a way of saying this is what is coming next so their brain can start anticipating the new kind of stimulation. Now Chris moves towards a climax of the mini scene, by using canes to create the most intense sensations of the session. Using this toy, she slowly builds up intensity, and finishes with a few intense strokes. (heavy moaning) (heavy moaning) Immediately, she connects using body contact and touch to help ground the receiver, as she processes the intense sensations bringing this mini session to a close. - [Instructor] Giver, get comfortable, seated on a couch or a bed. Receiver, position yourself over your lover's lap with your head towards their non-dominant hand. Use pillows to cushion your chest or any other adjustments, so you are both comfortable and can really relax. Start with light strokes all over the butt and lower back. Take your time and give the recipient's body a few moments to warm up to your touch. Now, using a cupped hand, start spanking very lightly. Moving your hand around to cover the entire surface of the butt. Slowly bring up the intensity of the spanks. Cupped hands give a more thuddy, dull sensation. Open hands spanks are a stinging sensation. Recipient, pay full attention to the sensations of the spanking. When the sensations start getting just a little bit painful say when. - [Receiver] When. - [Instructor] As soon as you hear when, make the sensations less intense but keep spanking, then bring up the intensity again. Recipient, say when, as soon as it feels right on the edge of too intense. Repeat this process. Giver, start noticing the body language as you bring up the intensity. - [Receiver] When! - [Instructor] Watch the breath, muscle tone and sounds your lover is making. The goal is that you will begin anticipating the when before it is said. When you are ready to be done, do one final round of building intensity. (Receiver moans) - [Receiver] When! - I'm gonna finish with five little ones. - [Instructor] Give five to 10 firm spanks at that same level of maximum intensity, and then stop. Receiver, breathe deeply through this. To end the spanking session, either hold your hands still or stroke the skin to end the spanking session. - Hey, this is Chris from PleasureMechanics.com, and here are four alternatives to handcuffs. Handcuffs used for bondage have this kind of reputation as being sexy, but they're really not. They're designed to tighten as you struggle against them, which leads to some dangerous circulation issues. And they're hard, sharp metal. And they're designed as a tool of punishment, not a tool of pleasure. So I really encourage you if you're exploring bondage to think beyond handcuffs and explore the alternatives, and here are four fabulous, sexy ways to restrain your lover. One is the classic leather cuffs. Leather cuffs come in all sorts of styles and colors, and are fur-lined or whatever. But the general idea is that cuffs can be fit around the wrist or the ankles, they're highly adjustable. They come with D-rings that can be used to secure them to one another, or to a bed frame, and they can be struggled against. You can wear these and really pull and tug and resist your bondage in a sexy way, and you won't get hurt, and you can wear them for hours and they're totally safe and totally amazing. A lot of people find leather really sexy, and if you do, then you might really enjoy the experience of being cuffed. If you want something a little softer, there are some really beautiful, beautiful bondage toys coming on the market. One of our favorite companies, LELO makes this beautiful set. They come in this gorgeous box, which is this lovely presentation for your lover. And there are these beautiful satin ties. And they come in a set of two, and one end is weighted, and the other end has these nice O-rings. And you simply string 'em through, and then you have a nice, secure bond. So you can restrain body parts to one another. You can use this to wrap around a bed frame or a chair, and they're highly adjustable. So they're really, really versatile, and you've got your lover and you can also use it kind of as like tug on them. And they're not gonna break, they're super strong. And they're really, really beautiful. They come in a couple of different colors, but they have this beautiful, textured satin that will make your lover feel really loved and cherished and cared for. And these are great for people who wanna explore bondage but in a much softer way, as a kind of form of body worship and a form of reverence, rather than more of the rough and tumble bondage style, right? Another option that's amazing is bondage tape. And this is available at any BDSM store. A lot of sex stores are starting to carry it, and it comes in these big, beautiful rolls with lots of different colors. And it's just this plastic tape, but what's amazing about it is it only sticks to itself. It won't stick to your skin or hair. And so you can use it to put body parts together, do a body part against a bed or furniture, and it comes off really easily and pain free. You can even use it for blindfolds because it won't stick to your hair, right, or it won't stick to your skin. So it's super versatile, really cheap, and it can be reused if you want. And it's a great alternative to cuffs or to ties. If you want more versatility and you want kinda more of that wrapped up feel. And finally, the last option comes to us from the veterinarian world of all places. It's called vet-wrap. It's used for horses mostly, but it's this really stretchy tape. And like the bondage wrap, it doesn't stick to skin or hair. It only sticks to itself. But the added bonus here is it has a really amazing compression. And so you can use it for bondage and it creates this sensation of being like hugged and squeezed all over while you're using it. And a lot of people find that really pleasurable. Again, it comes in a lot of different colors, it's super cheap. I think this whole roll was about five bucks, and you can use it again and again. And then when it gets a little mcnasty, you can throw it out and start again. We love all these alternatives to bondage, because the sensation of being restrained is really, really sexy for a lot of people. And there are really great alternatives to things like handcuffs. So you can find a method of bondage and a restraint that fits your overall sexual aesthetic, fits the kind of mood you're in with your lover, and adds a lot of sensuality and versatility to your sex life. So if you're interested in bondage, definitely explore these options and leave the handcuffs to the cops. They're best in their hands as a tool of restraint and punishment. For restraint and pleasure, explore these options and more. Check out the links below for some links to some great stores that carry these products. And for more information on bondage and power games in the bedroom. Cheers.