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Sinnliche Vulva Massage Onlinekurs:
Mit der Yoni Massage Intimität vertiefen

Jaya Shivani
Pädagogin für Sinnlichkeit
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Über diesen Kurs

Alles, was du brauchst, um vaginale Lust zu erleben, sind Wissen und etwas Übung. Werde mit diesen Massage-Tutorials zum Experten oder zur Expertin in Sachen Vulva-Massagen.

Was du lernen wirst

  1. Wie du deine Partner*in mit einer Vulva-Massage entspannst
  2. Einfache Techniken für atemberaubendes Vergnügen
  3. Die Anatomie der Vulva und welche Rolle sie beim Sex spielt
  4. Wo du die verschiedenen erogenen Zonen findest

Entdecke diesen Kurs – und viele mehr!

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Lerne von den besten Expert*innen der Welt.

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Schnelle Ergebnisse und einfach zu befolgende Anleitungen.

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Für jeden. Singles, Paare, alle Geschlechter und Orientierungen.

Präsentiert von

Jaya Shivani

Pädagogin für Sinnlichkeit

Jaya Shivani ist Coach für bewusste Sexualität und Beziehungen und arbeitet ganzheitlich mit Körper, Geist und Emotionen. Ihre Leidenschaft ist es, Erfahrungen aus ihrem eigenen Leben mit anderen zu teilen.

Mehr von diesem Coach

Lektionen und Module

more than 180 min
  1. 1. Über den Kurs
  2. 2. Vorbereitung auf die sinnliche Massage
  3. 3. Beginn der Massage
  4. 4. Sinnlichkeit erwecken
  5. 5. Energie lenken
  6. 6. Konzentration der sexuellen Energie
  7. 7. Massage der äußeren Schamlippen
  8. 8. G-Punkt-Innenmassage
  9. 9. A-Punkt-Innenmassage
  10. 10. U-Punkt-Innenmassage
  11. 11. Gebärmutterhals-Innenmassage
  12. 12. Beenden der Massage mit Ejakulation
  13. 13. Abschlusstechniken
  14. 14. Vollständige Yoni-Massage
  15. 15. Audioguide
  16. 16. FAQ

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Massage the body gently with deeper movements. Caress the body gently with your fingertips, awakening the body's sensuality. Caress also the thighs. Guide the energy up along the body gently with your fingertips. Caress the body a bit more with gentle movements, awakening the central sexual energy. Start guiding energy from the belly and the sides towards the yoni. Add some oil if needed and start massaging the outer labia with your thumbs up and down, making circular moments. Slide up and down on the outer labia with your thumbs and with each movement, add a little pressure, going in deeper and deeper. Guide energy up along the body. Slide down with your thumbs along the outer labia. And just before the outer labia ends, you will find small hollows, press into them with your thumbs and guide energy there with your breath. And at the same time, make rocking movement with your hips. Hold the hands and guide energy into these points with your breath. Add some oil if needed. Slide with the tips of your thumbs up and down the line that is between the outer and inner labia. Start massaging the right labia with your thumbs with circular movements deeply. Repeat the same moment with the left labia. Open gently the inner labia with your thumbs and add oil if needed. (gentle music) - [Narrator] Start massaging the left inner labia with your thumb and index finger with circular moments. Repeat with the same on the other side. Now take the inner and outer labia from the left side and massage them both together deeply and add oil if needed. Add oil if needed and repeat the same with the other side. Place the tip of your thumb in the triangle under the clitoris and above the urethra, and gently caress it with upward moments. Add oil if needed. Hold your thumb steady and guide energy into the Yoni with your breath. Add some oil and make circular movements around the vaginal opening with your thumb. Place your thumb on the vaginal opening area and make a vibrating movement. Place the tip of your thumb again in the triangle under the clitoris and above the urethra and make a vibrating movement. Add some oil. Place your thumb on the line between the outer and inner labia and with vibrating movements, slide down from both sides. (soft music) - [Narrator] Guide the energy up along the body. (soft music) Add some oil, and place your left hand on top of the pubic bone, and slide in the upper part of your index finger of your right hand. There, you will find the G-spot, which is a bump with a rougher surface on the upper wall. Hold your finger there, and guide energy with the breath to the G-spot. (soft music) With your other hand, caress the body. (soft music) Add some oil, and let it run down your finger into the yoni. Start massaging the G-spot with circular movements. (soft music) (soft music) Make a come to me movement with your finger on the G-spot. (soft music) (soft music) (soft music) Make a vibrating movement on the G-spot. (soft music) (soft music) - [Narrator] Add some oil, and slide in the fingers deeper until the mid part of your finger, and there you will find the A-spot on the upper wall of the yoni. A-spot will feel like a long soft hollow just after the G-spot. Hold the finger still, and guide energy with your breath to the A-spot. (soft music) Start massaging the A-spot with circular movements. (soft music) And add some oil if needed. (soft music) Massage the A-spot with come to me movements. (soft music) Add some oil, and make a more intense movement on the A-spot with your fingers. (soft music) Then pause, and hold. At the same time, guide the energy up along the body. (soft music) Keep your fingers straight, and tap on the A-spot. (soft music) Hold your hand still, and guide the energy up along the body with your left hand. (soft music) Repeat the tapping movement on the A-spot, and guide the energy up again. (soft music) Repeat the tapping movement on the A-spot, and caress the body with your left hand. (soft music) (soft music) (bright gentle music) - [Narrator] Put your fingers in downwards until the middle part of your finger. There, you will find the U-spot, which is a long, soft area on the lower wall. Massage the U-spot with circular movements. (bright gentle music) Massage the U-spot with come-to-me movements. (bright gentle music) Caress the body with your left hand at the same time. (bright gentle music) Massage the U-spot with intense movement, moving the hand up and down. (bright gentle music) Hold and guide the energy up. (bright gentle music) Add some oil, and repeat the intense moment. (bright gentle music) Hold your hand still and guide the up along the body. Massage the body with both hands. (bright gentle music) (relaxing soft music) - [Instructor] Slide in the fingers deeper into the yoni and find the tip of the cervix. It will feel like a tip of the nose or a tip of a thumb. Hold your finger still against the cervix and guide energy there with your breath. If you can't reach the cervix, lift up her legs. The vaginal canal will shorten and it is easier to reach the cervix. Make circular movements around the cervix. (relaxing soft music) Hold your fingers against the cervix and make pushing movements. Make a tapping movement with your fingers on the cervix. Lift up her legs and slide your fingers back inside and add some oil. Start massaging the cervix again, with circular movements. Place your fingers behind the cervix and make a vibrating movement. Hold your hand still and breathe guiding the energy to the cervix. Make pushing movements on the cervix gently, then hold and guide the energy with your breath. (relaxing soft music) (gentle soothing music) - [Jaya] After the ejaculation, lower her legs and spread the energy all over the body. Caress the body with your fingertips. (gentle soothing music continues) You can try to give your partner a few minutes of karezza, the energetic massage without touch. Hold the left hand over the heart center and with your right hand, guide the energy from the genital area upwards. You may notice her body reacting to the energetic massage. (gentle soothing music continues) (chimes ring gently) Hold the left hand over the genital area and guide energy up with the right hand along the legs. (gentle soothing music continues) Gently slide over the body, up and down with your fingers. Spread the energy all over the body. (gentle soothing music continues) Cover her with a towel and caress the body all over. To end the massage, place your right hand on the pubic bone and the left on the heart and guide the energy to those centers with your breath. Thank your partner for the session and give her some time to rest. (gentle soothing music continues) (chime rings gently).

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