Yoni Massage: 5 Common Misconceptions

Over years of teaching Yoni Massage to thousands of people, I have experienced a lot of misconceptions.

At the beginning I myself didn’t know clearly what it was, and why people would do it. All I knew is that I was curious 🙂

The #1 myth is that Yoni Massage is all about pleasure.

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And it might surprise you: Yoni Massage is not all about pleasure.

So why am I, an orgasm coach, saying again and again that Yoni Massage is my favorite tool for liberating female orgasms?

Yoni Massage works on three levels: healing, pleasure and consciousness. Holistically spoken, all three are required for deep orgasms. This makes pleasure one specific aspect of deep orgasms.

So it’s definitely not only about pleasure… but pleasure is a great, and much appreciated side effect 🙂

There are more super common misconceptions about Yoni Massage. Watch my the video to learn more.

Make sure to check out Beducated's Sensual Massage Online Courses

About the author

Mariah Freya

Mariah Freya, the founder of Beducated and a TEDx speaker, is dedicated to empowering individuals through sexual education. As a Sexual Empowerment Coach, she offers transformative techniques to help others unlock their full potential as extraordinary lovers. Mariah's mission is to liberate sexuality and promote personal growth through pleasure and deep connections. Through her work at Beducated and her engaging content, she is making a global impact on the way we perceive and embrace our sexual selves. Learn more about us and our editorial guidelines.