Shiva Lingam Yoni Egg: Meet the Sexually Liberated Future You

Naked woman with Shiva Lingam Yoni Egg
Written by Rosie Rees

Welcome to the Shiva Lingam Yoni Egg – the healer yoni egg; the one that will give you a push to let go of all your bad thoughts and feeling around your sexuality.

To help with: being healthier with your own sexuality

The Shiva Lingam Yoni Egg is made of stone that is actually a symbol of Hindu god Shiva. It can release your inner sexuality through tantric and sexual energy.

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Healing Properties & Benefits of Using the Shiva Lingam Yoni Egg

The Egg’s Main Benefits Are…

  • To embrace and be healthier with your own sexuality
  • Help unite opposites like masculine and feminine or body and soul
  • To allow the user to create their own grounding, stability and strength
  • Helping to create Kundalini energy

The Shiva Lingam egg is all about unlocking your inner tantric and sexual you.

Shiva lingam yoni egg

It is the helping hand you need to drop any bad thoughts about your sexuality and to help you build your own healthier, sexual future.

Is It the Egg for You?

Look into yourself and ask… do you have trouble loving yourself and being comfortable with your inner-sexuality?

The Shiva Lingam egg could be your sexuality’s secret weapon.

The stone represents the energies of the four elements – air, earth, wind & fire. It is the last element, fire, that can help you to unlock Kundalini energy and help you to awaken your inner tantric goddess.

To build on that energy, the egg helps to bridge the gap and build trust in the male sex, so much so that it can align you with your inner masculine powers. This can help to create harmony and balance with your feminine energies, which is excellent for sexual healing.

woman with Moonstone egg

To continue with your healing by using the Shiva Lingam Yoni Egg, the egg can actually help you to heal past sexual traumas and experiences. By healing and claiming these experiences, you help to align your body and feel more connected with your own sexuality, whilst letting you go of feelings that you have outgrown.

On a physical note, the Shiva Lingam egg can help you get rid of menstrual pain and cramps, as well as anorgasmia. Because the stone can help to balance fluids in the body, it can encourage your body to help with the symptoms of menopause and infertility.

Choose the Shiva Lingam Yoni Egg If…..

If you are feeling confident with Yoni Eggs and you are at the point where you want to get the most out of your sexuality, the Shiva Lingam Yoni Egg can push you to truly embrace your inner sex goddess.

A bonus is an incredible power the stone to allow you to remove negative thoughts or experiences around sex and to find stability and strength in your sexual experiences.

Not Sure If This Is the Right Egg for You?

Go back to the Yoni Egg overview.
Or learn more about the Yoni Egg here.

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About the author

Rosie Rees

Rosie Rees is a Relationship & Singles Coach, Nude Yoga Instructress and founder of her Yoni Pleasure Palace online store. Rosie believes in growth and transformation through vulnerability, courage and self acceptance and teaches this first hand through her empowering Women’s Nude Yoga and Couples Nude Yoga workshops. With training in Mysore Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Rosie shares the message of liberation, freedom and body love through ancient yogic technologies and body awareness techniques.
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