Undo Social Conditioning – Never Neglect Your Sexual Being Again

Let me ask you a few questions: What holds you back? What holds you back in anything that you would like to do, but don’t? What voice in you keeps coming up with excuses why you don’t have time for this? What part in you makes the priorities for you?

When I think about those questions, I realize that it’s the proper part in me that usually keeps me small. The part that was formed by society and family, conditioning me to be a good, good girl.

As I am looking at my life right now, I realize that this part is pretty silent. And I acknowledge once more that Conscious Sexuality and all the tools, techniques and methods that come with it helped me to take charge and decide which voice I am following through all of this.

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Watch Sarita’s beautiful analogy (video above!) on why we need to unwind our conditioning and then ask yourself again: “What’s holding me back to grow into my fullness?”.

Ma Ananda Sarita, celebrated, world-renowned Tantra Teacher spreading her wisdom all over the world since 1990, says “Sexuality is the root of our life force, and we need to live sexuality in a conscious and celebrated way”.

She is right.

Sexuality is the root of life. We can’t argue about that.

Ignoring, abandoning and keeping our mouth shut will only weaken our life force within. This mechanism builds on the belief that sexuality is evil.

Luckily, we can do something about this. There is another way which helps us to reframe our old beliefs, awaken our sexual and ecstatic being and spread a new message into the world.

Watch Sarita’s inspiring talk where she shares a beautiful analogy, motivating all of us to transform and unwind our conditioning.

We see it actually as our responsibility to detox from the old useless believe pattern and create a new positive blueprint for future generations.

You are powerful enough to make your bedroom and the world a better place. It starts with you in union with your sexual being.

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About the author

Mariah Freya

Mariah Freya, the founder of Beducated and a TEDx speaker, is dedicated to empowering individuals through sexual education. As a Sexual Empowerment Coach, she offers transformative techniques to help others unlock their full potential as extraordinary lovers. Mariah's mission is to liberate sexuality and promote personal growth through pleasure and deep connections. Through her work at Beducated and her engaging content, she is making a global impact on the way we perceive and embrace our sexual selves. Learn more about us and our editorial guidelines.