How to Give a Prostate Massage – The Ultimate Beducated Guide

Written by Jeremiah Barnes

Let’s talk about the so-called prostate massage today:

Are you curious to explore different types of orgasms in your own male body?

Or are you seeking to give your male partner an unforgettable experience that might include a type of orgasm he has never felt before?

Make sure to check out Beducated's Prostate Massage Online Courses
category-massage.png What You Will Learn
  1. P-spot basics: what it is, and where to find it
  2. Warm-up rituals – including a full body massage
  3. Tips on preparing the anus and entering mindfully
  4. Prostate massage techniques for next-level orgasms

If so, you’ve come to the right article to learn more about prostate stimulation, prostate massage, or prostate milking.

What Is a Prostate Massage?

We can define prostate massage as any form of stimulation directed to the prostate gland in a male body, be it for health or erotic reasons.

The Basics: What Exactly Is the Prostate?

It’s a gland that serves one primary purpose: generating a lubrication liquid that will help to preserve the sperm and boost its mobility if ejaculation occurs.

The prostate is located on either side of the urethra, just below the bladder, and in front of the rectum. It has that strategic location at the beginning of your urethra so it can distribute its lubrication liquid all along the length of your penis at the moment of ejaculation.

Let’s highlight that the prostate does not store sperm.

The prostate liquid is completely translucid and is additive to the seminal mix expelled through ejaculation.

When you ejaculate, your seminal vesicles and prostate experience contractions that pressurize the liquids inside them. Sperm is shot out of the vesicles, and lubrication is shot out of the prostate gland just a few fractions of seconds before sperm is released. Kind of to make way for the whole ejaculation fluid that will combine and shoot out through your urethra.

Sometimes the prostate is also casually referred to as the “male g spot” to highlight its potential for pleasure. But more about this later.

What Does “Milking the Prostate” Mean?

That’s why the term prostate milking is misguiding: most prostate massage practices aim to trigger gland contractions. Still, since men are so used to linking the contractions of the prostate with the ejaculatory process, their seminal vesicles will usually be triggered to expel their sperm mix.

The term “milking the prostate” comes from the white color that the ejaculatory fluid obtained through this kind of prostate stimulation. An authentic “draining” of the prostate gland, though, should result in a 100% transparent liquid since it’s only sperm from the seminal vesicles that’s responsible for the white color in any expelled fluids.

Is Prostate Massage Done for Health Reasons?

Some medical doctors and alternative practitioners alike suggest that prostate massage is an excellent idea to treat inflammation in the gland, mainly when non-bacterial factors cause it. For example, swelling of the prostate, also known as prostatitis, can be caused by infections, nerve damage, and abnormal behavior of the cells associated with emotional, genetic, and sexual activity or sexual abstinence factors.

The theory behind the health benefits of a prostate massage is that by producing contractions that stimulate the deep tissue of the gland and draining any thick liquid that may have been stored inside one of its creases, the inflammation of the whole prostate can be stopped, and – over a few sessions of prostate massage with the proper technique – wholly stopped.

Prostate Massage for Erotic Reasons – Why Everybody Should Try It!

Many men, particularly straight men who have never experienced any form of perineal or rectal stimulation, find that prostate massage offers them an entrance to a much more intense dimension of sexual pleasure. It’s not an accident that the prostate is also called the “male g spot”.

The reason behind this is that our culture trains men to discover pleasure in a very shallow way, often entirely dependent on porn. Hard, fast, and furious stroking of the penis leads to a superficial experience of orgasm.

It’s Not All About Stress Release – There Is More to Explore in the Bedroom

If you think about it, most men talk about masturbation as a means to release stress rather than to explore different ways of enhancing their capacity for pleasure. Prostate massage thus represents a door to breaking the pattern of shallow, quick orgasms and incorporating new, whole-body sensations into the map of pleasure possibilities in your body.

The value of erotic prostate massage is that you learn to interpret different forms of pleasure.

Those involve different nerve endings of your body and take the focus away from the traditional penis-only stimulation.

How to do it – The Different Types of Prostate Massages

There are three different ways in which you can practice prostate stimulation. Each has different perks and challenges, so it’s good to have a clear overview of what they offer and under which scenarios they may be the best option for you to explore.

1. External Prostate Massage

This form of prostate stimulation is a great way to introduce yourself to the art of consciously involving your prostate gland in the experience of pleasure.

It doesn’t involve introducing a finger or a toy into your rectum, so while it might not provide the intensity in sensations that are offered by the direct stimulation of the prostate, it’s also gentler when you have been used to a single form of erotic stimulation for so many years.

How to Start the External Prostate Massage

It involves applying pressure to different points of your perineum, the skin and muscular tissue between your testicles and anus, and the area above your pubic bone. Both areas are in contact with internal tissue that will indirectly stimulate your prostate gland and thus expand your erotic sensibility from just the shaft of your penis to your whole complex of inner sex organs.

Although you can do a relaxing massage without any further goals, an erotic component will add more depth to the experience. Combining prostate stimulation with stroking the penis can be an excellent form to enhance the sensations for this external variety of prostate massage.

The pressure you apply to your perineum or just above your pubic bone can take the form of circle massaging, rubbing back and forth, or even pinpointing specific areas that feel good to you as you press.

You may want to practice the external prostate massage while you’re lying on your bed, either on your back or your side, keeping your legs flexed towards your butt since it’s the position that allows a better relaxation of the pelvic area. It also gives you space to work around your perineum.

Take Your Time to Find the Spot & Get Used to the New Sensation

The amount of pressure and the speed of your movements can vary according to your preferences, so you must be patient and keep an open mind. At the same time, you experiment and get used to all the new, different sensations…

It may take a while until you identify just the kind movements that you enjoy the most.

Expanding your awareness of pleasure to the inner regions of your penis will not only increase the intensity of your orgasms but also their duration since activating the nerve endings that surround the prostate will make the natural contractions of the gland go on for longer.

Make sure to check out Beducated's Prostate Massage Online Courses
category-massage.png What You Will Learn
  1. P-spot basics: what it is, and where to find it
  2. Warm-up rituals – including a full body massage
  3. Tips on preparing the anus and entering mindfully
  4. Prostate massage techniques for next-level orgasms

Health-wise, some potential benefits of increasing the strength and frequency of prostate stimulation can also be obtained through this indirect form of prostate massage. However, the more advanced practitioners of prostate stimulation still recommend direct gland stimulation to see clearer effects in treating prostatitis.

2. Direct Prostate Gland Stimulation

The position of the prostate gland makes it relatively easy to be reached by applying pressure with a finger or a sex toy to the inner front wall of the rectum, about 2 to 3 inches from the entrance.

Direct prostate massage allows a more thorough relaxation of the tissue through the massaging motion, so for those health professionals who prescribe this practice as a remedy against prostatitis, the inner prostate stimulation through the rectum is the recommended choice.

Regarding erotic exploration, the direct massage to the prostate also offers one main advantage: the unprecedented nature of the sensations that may be discovered through the practice, which can provide a fresh perspective into expanding your horizons of sensual pleasure.

How to Massage the Prostate Directly

If you want to give yourself a prostate massage, the best time would be during the day when your bowels are empty, so you feel more relaxed and have no worries about mixed sensations while exploring the inside of your rectum.

If you want, you can take a bath or a shower just before you start the practice since you’ll feel the whole area is cleaner, and the hot water will also help to relax your entire body.

It’s important to note that fecal matter is never stored in your rectum: it only passes through that last portion of your intestines when your sphincter opens to relieve yourself. In addition, the sphincter itself is located more than 4 inches inside the bowel, so there is no risk of accidentally “digging up” something you don’t want to be handling.

The whole area, though, does have feces residues, so if you are very conscious about that, you can always choose to put on a latex glove to perform the massage.

We suggest that you try the prostate massage lying on your bed, in a position that allows you to have your legs as flexed as it’s comfortable. This will help you maintain your pelvic floor and rectum much more relaxed, which is crucial to activating sensitivity.

Try It with Your Partner

Suppose you’re in a relationship where you trust your partner and feel comfortable asking them to try the massage together. In that case, manual stimulation is undoubtedly the best way to start since fingers allow for much more precise stimulation of different parts of the prostate.

If you try the prostate massage on your own, the best position will probably be lying on your side on the bed, with your knees flexed towards your chest. Even in this position, however, you may find it difficult for your fingers to reach 2 to 3 inches inside your rectum.

If that’s the case, you may want to buy a prostate stimulator to make the whole experience effortless. We’ll give you a few tips on selecting the best sex toy for this purpose in the next section.

Ease Your Way to Internal Stimulation

Once you’ve found the position in which you feel most comfortable, gently massage the whole perineal region and slowly start moving toward your anus. Make sure to spend at least 5 minutes relaxing the muscles surrounding the anal area because otherwise, the entrance to your rectum will feel uncomfortable touching.

You will have to be very patient, anyway, since all sensations will be new, and there might be some feelings of uneasiness as you discover the most pleasurable way to stimulate your prostate. If you’re trying the prostate massage with a partner, a lot of feedback during the whole process will make all the difference in the world.

Use Lubrication

Make sure to have a lubricant at hand and to use it generously. Coconut oil doubles as a good massage lubricant for the external muscles of the perineum and the inner stimulation of the prostate. If you prefer a factory-made alternative, you can find anal lubricant in every sex shop.

To enter the rectum with your finger, you can start with a circular massage to open the anal orifice very gently. We recommend using your index finger because it’s the one that will give you more accuracy in finding the right angle to stimulate the prostate from the inside.

You need to insert it with the palm of your hand towards your testicles, not your butt since you’ll have to press your finger toward the front of your rectum to reach the prostate.

How to Know When You Found the Prostate

Slide your finger very slowly, and take deep and conscious breaths the whole time, to keep your body relaxed and receptive to the experience. Next, you’ll probably need to slide your finger into the second knuckle or a bit deeper. Then, you can make circular motions in different directions to look for the right spot to reach your prostate.

You’ll know that you´ve found it because the sensation will be different.

Not pleasurable from the start, but clearly different than touching the rest of the area. Remember that you won’t precisely touch the prostate: you’ll instead be using the pressure against the rectal wall to transmit the stimulation to the prostate gland.

Surf New Levels of Pleasure

Don’t place any expectations on the massage the first time. Orgasm will be great when it happens, but don’t be in a rush to get to that finish line.

The most valuable part of an inner prostate massage is that you’ll amplify your erotic arsenal to sensations utterly independent of your penis. At first, you might not recognize that you’re walking into different realms of pleasure, but if you are consistent with the stimulation, you’ll notice signs of sexual energy building up.

The first one might be some contractions in different areas surrounding the spot of the massage. You may also experience a warm sensation in your pelvic area or a sense of “being full” in your lower abdomen. Play along with the sensations and allow yourself to enjoy them.

Do You Feel Like You Need to Pee?

If you feel like you need to pee, you can stop and see if you have a full bladder. If the urge to go disappears when your finger rests, you most likely don’t need to pee… it’s just the sensation of your engorged prostate applying some pressure to your urethra and your bladder.

As long as you stay relaxed and enjoy building up pressure and muscle movements, a new and more profound kind of orgasm will surprise you sooner or later. It might not happen in the first session because men have different prostatic sensibilities. Still, if you keep trying and enjoying the practice, you’ll surely catch up with this reward of a new version of the climax.

Use a Prostate Massager

If you’re experiencing prostate stimulation alone and don’t feel comfortable reaching in with your index finger, then you should explore using a prostate massager. We have an entire thread dedicated to Prostate Massagers, check it out.

One of the most recommended sex toy brands for prostate massages is Lelo and Aneros, and our advice is to go for one of the smaller, simpler models. Of course, anything with a vibrator might be practical to speed up the journey toward the climax. Still, please start with a non-vibrating device to be able to identify the subtler sensations that surround prostate stimulation.

Otherwise, you may depend on the power of electric vibration to enjoy a prostate orgasm.

Rounding Up: Is Prostate Massage for Me?

The decision to open up to the experience of prostate stimulation is a very personal one, of course. Still, from our perspective, every man should be willing to consider it for the sake of their ultimate erotic fulfillment.

In addition to its health benefits, so many folks have found that it is one of the most fun variations they can add to their sexual repertoire, either by themselves or with a partner.

The practice, if performed safely and in a moderated frequency, is entirely safe, and it, of course, has nothing to do with sexual orientation as both heterosexual and homosexual men report that it has enhanced their sex lives next to either a female or male partner.

So don’t let any resistance get in the way of your discovery of new sexual sensations.

After all, we’ve shown you that you have three very different options to incorporate prostate sensitivity into your erotic possibilities and skills.

So give the inner or outer prostate massage a try. Suppose you feel that’s not your calling. In that case, you can always explore the benefits of prostate stimulation, both for therapy and pleasure purposes, via the more subtle way of cultivating Tantric skills to revolutionize your full potential as a lover.

Make sure to check out Beducated's Prostate Massage Online Courses
category-massage.png What You Will Learn
  1. P-spot basics: what it is, and where to find it
  2. Warm-up rituals – including a full body massage
  3. Tips on preparing the anus and entering mindfully
  4. Prostate massage techniques for next-level orgasms

About the author

Jeremiah Barnes

Jeremiah Barnes is a sexual educator who has dedicated his career to providing accurate and comprehensive information about human sexuality. Jeremiah's primary focus is on male sexuality, addressing topics such as sexual health, pleasure, and relationships. His expertise, combined with his engaging writing style, empowers readers to better understand and embrace their own sexual experiences and desires. Learn more about us and our editorial guidelines.