Über diesen Kurs
Was du lernen wirst
- Neue Wege, um Vergnügen zu bereiten und Intimität zu vertiefen
- Grundlagen der Penisanatomie und der verschiedenen erogenen Zonen
- Aufwärmrituale für die Aktivierung des ganzen Körpers
- Atemberaubende Techniken für eine vollständige Penismassage
Entdecke diesen Kurs – und viele mehr!
Lerne von den besten Expert*innen der Welt.
Schnelle Ergebnisse und einfach zu befolgende Anleitungen.
Für jeden. Singles, Paare, alle Geschlechter und Orientierungen.
Präsentiert von

Jaya Shivani
Pädagogin für Sinnlichkeit
Jaya Shivani ist Coach für bewusste Sexualität und Beziehungen und arbeitet ganzheitlich mit Körper, Geist und Emotionen. Ihre Leidenschaft ist es, Erfahrungen aus ihrem eigenen Leben mit anderen zu teilen.
Mehr von diesem CoachLektionen und Module
- 1. Über den Kurs
- 2. Vorbereitung auf die sinnliche Massage
- 3. Beginn der Massage
- 4. Sinnlichkeit erwecken
- 5. Energie zum Lingam lenken
- 6. Lingam-Herz-Verbindung
- 7. Aktivierung der Oberschenkel und des Damms
- 8. Den Lingam aufwärmen
- 9. Lingam I
- 10. Hoden
- 11. Lingam II
- 12. Die Spitze des Lingam
- 13. Kräftigere Massagetechniken
- 14. Beruhigende Techniken (Pausen einlegen)
- 15. Lingam III
- 16. Variationen für die Spitze des Lingam
- 17. Abschluss
- 18. Vollständige Lingam-Massage
- 19. Audioguide20. FAQ
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Caress the body gently. Take some oil, and oil in the upper body, the hands, and the thighs. Caress the body with fingertips to awaken the sensual sexual energy. Start bringing the energy from the belly and the thighs towards the lingam. Place your left hand on the pubic bone and the right hand on the heart. Create an energetic connection between the sex and the heart. With breath, guide energy through your hands, into his body. Add some oil, and slide down the line between the leg and the perineum. Start sliding your hands down from the left thigh one at a time with your fingers going in the line between the leg and the perineum. Repeat with the other side. Slide your hands down the thighs at the same time on both thighs. Press your thumbs deeply into the line between the leg and the perineum and slide them upwards. You will find small hollows just under the tendons, press your thumbs in there and hold. Guide energy with your breath at the same time, when breathing out through the mouth, visualize energy going into your partner's body, through your thumbs. At the same time, rock his body slowly from left to right, using your hips. Guide energy up along the body. Add some oil and massage the perineum with your thumbs deeply. Use the knuckles of your fingers to massage the perineum even deeper. Men hold a lot of tension and emotions in that area. Massaging the perineum helps them to release that tension and emotions. Place your fist against the perineum and make a vibrating movement. Gently caress over the scrotum. Place your fingers under the scrotum and make a very gentle vibrating movement. (calming music) - Stretch the lingam between your index and middle finger pulling it towards yourself. (calming music) Turn the lingam in a screw like movement upwards. (calming music) Put the lingam on the belly and start sliding it in a clockwise direction in a circle. Repeat the same movement anticlockwise. (calming music) Start walking up the lingam until the head with your thumb and index finger. First on the front and back of the lingam and then the sides. Alternating. (calming music) Add oil. Hold the lingam with your left hand and make a circular movement with your thumb on the male clitoris or frenulum. (calming music) (gentle music) - [Narrator] Take gently one of the testicles. We will now do the movements of the four elements. The earth. Make circular movements around the testicles with the center of your palm. The water, make back and forth movements with the small pillows in your palm, just below the fingers. The fire, make back and forth movements with your fingernails on the testicle. Very gently tap the testicles with your fingertips. Massage the testicle. Repeat the four elements with the other testicle. Take both testicles in your hands and repeat the four elements movement. Take the scrotum into your hands so that the at the testicles will slide upwards and you can freely massage the scrotum. Massage the scrotum deeply by turning the skin in different directions. This movement should not be painful in any way. (gentle soothing music) - [Jaya] Add some oil. Slide over the lingam with caressing movements. Pull the lingam towards yourself and slide over it with your hands in turns. (gentle soothing music continues) (chime rings gently) (gentle soothing music continues) Place the left hand under the lingam and the right and top sideways so that the palms create an opening. Massage the head of the lingam sliding your hands back and forth. (gentle soothing music continues) Make a tunnel from your hands and slide your hands in turns over the lingam away from yourself. (gentle soothing music continues) (chime rings gently) (gentle soothing music continues) (gentle music) - [Narrator] Add some oil, slide over the lingam with caressing movements. Pull the lingam towards yourself and slide over it with you hands in turns. (gentle music) Place the left hand under the lingam and the right in top sideways, so that the palms create an opening. Massage the head of the lingam, sliding your hands back and forth. (gentle music) Make a tunnel from your hands and slide your hands in turns over the lingam away from yourself. (gentle music) (subtle music) - [Narrator] Place your index finger on the frenulum and the middle finger on the tip of the lingam and slide your fingers left to right. (subtle music) Slide the index finger around the edge of the head, back and forth, until the frenulum and back, not going over the frenulum. (subtle music) Make circles around the tip with your index finger. (subtle music) Hold the lingam with your left hand and with your right hand, massage the head and the shaft. (subtle music) (subtle music) (hypnotic music) - Turn the lingam to the right and massage the lingam with circular movements. (hypnotic music continues) Hold the lingam between your hands, cross your fingers, and slide up and down the lingam so that your thumbs are massaging the head, and the palms are massaging the shaft. (hypnotic music continues) Still keeping the fingers crossed, turn your hands on the lingam to the right, and slide the hands up so that the head is between the palms, and massage the head with sliding movements. (hypnotic music continues) Turn the crossed fingers on top of the lingam so that the head comes out between your index and middle finger. Slide up and down on the lingam. (hypnotic music continues) (ambient music) - [Instructor] Place the left hand horizontally behind the lingam and the right in the front vertically and slide one hand up and the other down at the same time. (calming music) Place the left hand on the back of the head and the right in the front of the head. Move the right hand up and down massaging the head. (calming music) Cares the body. Hold the lingam with your left hand and make circular movements with your thumbs on the frenulum. (ambient music) Place your index finger on the frenulum and the middle finger on the tip of the lingam and slide your fingers left to right. (calming music) (soothing music) - Spread the energy along the body with caressing movements. (soothing music) Place your left hand on the heart and the right hand on the lingam, to end the massage. (soothing music) Caress the body and spread the energy. (soothing music) Cover your partner with a sarong or a towel. In the lingam massage, there is no gold. It's all about the journey. This practice helps men to last longer in bed, to separate orgasm from ejaculation and to become multiorgasmic. (soft music) - [Narrator] Spread the energy along the body with caressing movements. (soft music) Place your left hand on the heart, and the right hand on the lingam to end the massage. (soft music) Caress the body, and spread the energy. (soft music) (soft music) Cover your partner with a sarong or a towel. In the lingam massage, there is no goal. It's about the journey. This practice helps men to last longer in bed to separate orgasm from ejaculation, and to become multiorgasmic.